Elf Species in Faunerro | World Anvil


The Elven Lineage as a Whole

A Broad People


Aetheriin uses the high-elf or eladrin stats found in the Dungeon Master’s Guide.

The high elves, or “Haven Kin,” in elvish, are the main elves. The Province of Haliah was specifically blessed for them by Renaki. They were chosen for their long lifespans and the accumulation of what wisdom that such a long-lived life could provide.


Inferiin use the drow stats found in the Player’s Handbook.

The dark elves, or “Inferna Kin,” in elvish, are aetheriin that were tempted by Maledict during the Incursion.


Etheariin use shadar-kai stats found in Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes

The Etheariin, or “Ether Kin,” in elvish, are aetheriin who serve Morrovan, Temporal deity over death. They either help act as reapers or scout out both Faunerro and the Fell for any undead lurking about.


Nivariin use the wood-elf stats found in the Player’s Handbook

The wood elves, or “Forest Kin,” in elvish, are the aetheriin who were drawn to the Temporal goddess Kadilith. She oversees the wellbeing of the natural world and brings omens to her followers. The nivariin prefer to keep to themselves unless their aetheriin cousins come poking around or Maledict’s cult corrupts the environment.

800 years
Average Height
Average Weight
120-200 lbs.
Geographic Distribution


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