The God Squid


Aparali folklore speaks of a giant, colossal squid that roams the seas of Aparalium. The creature is believed to have magical powers and to be far more intelligent than any mortal. It could teleport between all six lakes at will, but prefered to stay in the one closest to Palalona.   It was believed the squid protected the seas from those who wished to bring it harm. Poachers, polluters especially would experience the wrath of the squid god. The God Squid could control the ocean waves and summon storms to wreck ships and flood coastlines. Occasionally the god squid would come out, either to deal more severe punishments, or to greet people it deemed worthy to see it.  

The Glowing Squid

Those who have had the opportunity to see the squid have described it as a massive squid whose arms seems to spread out forever. The creature radiated light and had halo's floating around it's body. Those who saw it claimed to feel at peace looking at the creature, like they were truely safe.

Historical Basis

It's believed the idea of the god squid might have stemmed from the existence of a real world colossal squid, which was a rare and endangered species at the time. The squids were known to emit a phosphorescent glow through their skin, which made it appear like something of great power an important.   It's not confirmed if these squids are truly super-intelligent or possess the powers the stories claimed they do, as they are still very rare and hard to find.

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Cultural Reception

The Aparali worshiped the God Squid as a religious figure. They would frequently pray to it at the shore line and bring it offerings. They had a ceremony once a year where they would set glowing flowers out into the ocean as a thank-you to the god. They hoped that by appeasing the God Squid, they would be protected from violent storms.   Some people still worship the god squid to this day, and believe the devastating hurricane that his Aparalium was caused by the God Squid being angry at interference from the Empire.  

In Art

The Aparali have created a lot of art depicting the squid. You can see thew god squid in many of their murals and paintings, as well as plenty of peoms and songs about it.

Cover image: by IbbyWondrous


Author's Notes

This article was made for Summer Camp 2019 for the prompt:

" Write about a tale surrounding a mythological creature in your world."

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Jul 12, 2019 11:41

That was a very nice read :)   I think there was one typo in this sentence "Poachers, polluters especially would experience the rather of the squid god." I think rather should be wrath, or there is a missing word.