Britain Geographic Location in Fabula Mundi | World Anvil


Britain is the largest island of the British Isles. Politically, it is divided between the kingdoms of England and Scotland and the kingdoms of Wales. Nobles from England have invaded southern Wales to form semi-independent marcher lordships.


Britain can be divided into lowland areas in the south and east and upland areas in the north and west.   Lowland areas, generally below 600 feet above sea level, are dominated by rich soils supporting arable agriculture. The lowlands are the most densely settled areas, dominated by nucleated villages supporting small towns and cities.   Upland areas can be divided into hills, generally between 600 and 1000 feet, and mountains ranging from 1000 feet to 4,400 feet. Few peaks exceed 3000 feet in height, most of them in the highlands of Scotland. Upland areas tend to focus on pastoral husbandry and are dominated by hamlets, with villages in river valleys or dales.  
Geoffrey of Monmouth, The History of the Kings of Britain, c. 1140 AD   Britain, the best of islands, is situated in the Western Ocean, between France and Ireland. It stretches for eight hundred miles in length and for two hundred in breadth. It provides in unfailing plenty everything that is suited to the use of human beings. It abounds in every kind of mineral. It has broad fields and hillsides which are suitable for the most intensive farming and in which, because of the richness of the soil, all kinds of crops are grown in their seasons. It also has open woodlands which are filled with every kind of game. Through its forest glades stretch pasture-lands which provide the various feeding-stuffs needed by cattle, and there too grow flowers of every hue which offer their honey to the flitting bees. At the foot of its windswept mountains it has meadows green with grass, beauty-spots where clear springs flow into shining streams which ripple gently and murmur an assurance of deep sleep to those lying on their banks.   What is more, it is watered by lakes and rivers full of fish, and at its southern end by a narrow strait across which men sail to France. There are three noble rivers, the Thames, the Severn and the Humber, and these it stretches out as though they were three arms. Into them goods from across the ocean are carried, merchandise coming from all countries by this same sea-traffic.   In earlier times Britain was graced by twenty-eight cities. Some of these, in the depopulated areas, are now mouldering away, with their walls broken. Others remain whole and have in them the shrines of saints, with towers built up to a noble height, where whole companies of men and women offer praise to God according to the Christian tradition.   Lastly, Britain is inhabited by five races of people, the Norman-French, the Britons, the Saxons, the Picts and the Scots. Of these the Britons once occupied the land from sea to sea, before the others came. Then the vengeance of God overtook them because of their arrogance and they submitted to the Picts and the Saxons.


Britain has a cool temperate maritime climate. Prevailing westerly winds from the Atlantic bring significant rainfall, particularly in western upland areas. Woodlands tend to be deciduous.

Ecosystem Cycles

Britons recognise four distinct seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.


Britain was known as Albion and inhabited only by giants until the arrival of Brutus of Troy in 1115BC. He proclaimed himself king of the country he named after himself, and founded his capital, Trioa Nova, or Trinovantum, on the banks of the River Thames, on the site where London now stands. Britain was divided after Brutus' death between his three sons, who each named their share of the island after themselves. Locrinus took Loegria (England), Kamber to Kambria (Wales) and Albanactus Alba (Scotland). These three realms survive to this day.
Alternative Name(s)
Albion, Ynis Prytani
Location under


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