Carolina Phiago Rodriguez Character in Exodus | World Anvil
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Carolina Phiago Rodriguez (Ka-Row-Lee-Na Fee-Aa-Go Row-Dree)

Captain Carolina Phiago Rodriguez (a.k.a. Caro)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The daughter of the Dread Pirate, Carolina was born at sea, on her father's boat, The Santa Diavola. While some would think that meant she didn't get a great childhood, in reality, she grew up with loving parents, well protected by the crew - who saw her as their daughter as well in a way - and, although she didn't meet many kids her age, except when they docked for a day, she did have Reiska, Pirate Lord Bryn Iron-Wood's adopted daughter. Reiska and Caro were like sister's from 9-12 but soon grew apart after Donovan became obsessed with the Saber of the Sea. She also had her younger brother, Edwardo, who was two years younger than her. They had a very good relationship, and were always very close.   Caro spent a lot of time in Port Damascus during her early years. Spending time at her Uncle Olivier's house when her parents were raiding out at sea. She didn't like Olivier all that much as he was quite the narcissist.   Her father was always obssessed with the tale of the Saber of the Sea, and other fairytales like it. One day, when she was twelve, her father found a clue that he believed would lead him to the Saber.

The fierce Half-Elf pirate captain of the Bloody Carnations. Carolina is someone you definitely don't want to cross, luckily the Wanadead have managed to stay on her good side. For her friends and crew, Caro would delve into the depths of hell.

Character Location
Current Location
Kadesh, Altranoyian Empire
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Neutral Good
Current Status
Recovering from being shot
Current Location
Date of Birth
The 1st of Affic, Year 411, PA V
Year of Birth
411 PA 26 Years old
At Sea on the Santa Diavola
Current Residence
Rose Quarters
Purple, Medium Length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned Olive
168 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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