The Bimonastery in Exodus | World Anvil

The Bimonastery


The Bimonastery by holyflpncows

Shen Po paces, clearly upset.

  The doctor clears his throat and addresses the rest of us. "I'll inside. Shout if you need me." He turns to leave, then stops. "Call me Ougust." Then he retreats back into the hospice. A couple awkward minutes pass. I exchange looks with Luban and Mildred. No one makes a move to say anything to Shen Po. My hand starts to lift to get his attention. What's the point? He won't care what I have to say. So instead I follow Ougust's lead and go back inside, to Myuon. I grasp her slender hand and desperately try to connect.   A strange sound from outside breaks my concentration. Now what? Haven't we dealt with enough? I slip my hand from Myuon's and hustle outside, passing Ougust who seems to be successfully ignoring the commotion. Standing right where he vanished is Mordax, smoke curling off his skin. I wince upon taking in the rest of his state. Are those blisters over him?   Mordax focuses on Shen Po and begins shaking. He limps closer. "Do you think this is a game?" His voice is coated thick with anger. "This is my life we're dealing with. I don't know if you recall but you aren't the one that holds my contract. Some friend of yours set it up, and—apparently—not only do they dislike being disrespected, but they don't like you being disrespected. So, conveniently, I had a better reason to give them than a technicality."   Shen Po responds, tentative. Quiet. "I can tell that you're angry. Why don't you give it a few minutes and we'll talk? Trust me; I know what it's like to be angry."   "Normally, I have a little bit of respect for you," Mordax sneers. "But currently, I really don't feel like being told how to do my job, after having just been told for a while. Since I've been told this is how this works and I'm not allowed to give you bullshit reasons for why I do things, remember that I have a contract to be here and it's not to help you. I'm here to protect you and keep you from going insane," he snarls. "You want the real reason I stabbed that guy? Because you might've been stupid—sorry," he throws up a crisped hand, "you might have not noticed—but he had that shit in him. He didn't really exist, I imagine. He was just some creation by that thing to drive you insane." Mordax jabs a finger at his chest. "You can trust me to call you out when you're not doing what needs to be done. What do you think would've happened if you had let him go? Think he just woulda stopped?" His eyes narrow as Shen Po's posture starts to crumble. "No. There'd be a lot more dead people—on your hands." Mordax breathes shakily for a few heartbeats, then pivots and storms off. Mildred and Luban follow at a distance.  
  As I wrap up burial arrangements for Wander with Ougust inside, Shen Po announces our escort to the Master has arrived. I nod to the doctor and head out to follow a short woman in form-fitting white robes. People part out of the way as she leads us down the road. The occasional slab of jade in buildings and the streets catches my eye. Why jade, and why not more of it? It looks lovely. Though, maybe it was the bit of color the green stone brought to the place in comparison to the drab backdrop of glass all around that makes it look nice.   We arrive at the base of the temple and ascend a flight of broad stairs. Our guide turns down the hallway and passes lots of doors with engravings of various animals and other designs. She stops at a door with a flower and vine motif and holds out a small purple pillow with golden tassels, an ornate key on top. "The Master will see you in the morning. Please enjoy these accommodations." Mildred takes the key and opens the door.   Lovely fragrance slams my nostrils, making me realize just how bad I smell. My boots sink into the plush carpet as I head to one of the five beds against the wall. I toss my pack and weapons down while Alto starts tea. I tug off my boots and make my way to the small central table, curling my toes into the blissful fluff of the floor.   Shen Po sits on the pillow next to me—notably still stiff and not making himself comfortable. "There is something I could try, so you can talk to Myuon," he says. I set my tea down. "I can try to send you into her dream."   "Are you sure that'll work?"   "I can't guarantee it. And...I have no idea how dangerous it could be."   I stare into my cup. If it works, then I can likely talk to Arslan. Get a better understanding of how to get him out. And get stuck yourself. "The doctor seems to have an understanding of how Myuon's affliction works. Perhaps we should check with him first?" Shen Po nods and leaves for the hospice before I even have a chance to stand up. Wander's burial won't be until tomorrow, so I look to the stone bath in the back of room. I gulp down the last of my tea and make my way over.   Eyes closed, I let the steam tingle against my face and the warmth of the water seep into my bones. I reach out once more, reaching for Myuon.   Nothing.   I open my eyes, staring down. Bruises and new scars glare back at me. Why am I doing this? Getting so beat up, when I should be trying to solve my broken womb? Track down Xew. Why do I feel nothing? Wander... Because it's not worth it. That's...true. I can't care about others if they'll just leave. Shen Po? Too wrapped up in his own guilt. Luban? He's got someone to save. Wander? Dead. Mordax? Obligated to be here. Mildred? An elf, what does she care? Feng? He's not even here right now. And he'll leave you easier than I did.   Shen Po's return from the hospice brings me out of the bath, and relief from my thoughts. But it also brings disappointment. Ougust confirmed that trying to enter the dreams of someone stuck in the Nightmare Realm is a terrible idea.   As evening drags on into night, I sit on my bed flipping through the Shadowfell book. How? How do I get to you now, Arslan?  
  The bed proved to be just as comfortable as the carpet. I stretch, still sore despite the luxurious accommodations. For breakfast, I munch on some slices of fruit while staring at how ridiculous Mordax looks in the over-abundance of bandages applied by Mildred.   A knock on the door from yesterday's guide and four flights of stairs later brings us to the top floor of the temple. The woman stops and beckons us to proceed. The area opens into a courtyard-like space. Short walls with plants growing down to the floor surround the space. A large gong hangs from the ceiling behind the large, red chair on the north side.   Sitting cross-legged in the austere seat is a man in jade-colored robes. We approach and sit on the cushions before him, and though a full-face white mask obscures his features, I feel his intent stare. To the man's right is a half-elf, her hand clutching a book at her side.   The half-elf leans in to the bald man, some of her light purple hair spilling over her face. She says something to him, and he replies. His voice... I didn't catch the words, but I've heard that voice before. Oh, yes. Wu, from the meeting at the Rusty Spear.   He notices my recognition. "I see you finally made your way out to our humble monastery," he says, voice warm.   "Yes," I say, bowing my head slightly. "With a bit of effort."   "No small effort. I see you're keeping different company these days."   "As you said, no small effort," I reply, more bitter than I anticipated.   "What can I help you with?"   My eyes dart to Shen Po. "Well," I say. "I believe our main concern is to help the survivors of Circsom." All four of them left.   Master Wu gently shakes his head. "Unfortunately, I cannot offer any aid in that regard."   "It doesn't seem anyone can." The bitterness in my voice returns.   "Well, I can offer help that may eventually be to their benefit."   "How's that?"   "Do you know know anything about the Elder Elemental Eye?"   Confused and empty looks meet mine. "I'm afraid not," I reply.   "The Elder Elemental Eye is the force at work. The source of the evil that plague this land. The progenitor of the nightmares."   "Does it happen to look like a giant mound of flesh sitting on top of a pile of bones?" Shen Po cuts in.   Though the mask hides his face, his tone indicates a raised eyebrow. "That is extremely specific, yet wildly inaccurate."   "Demons," Shen Po grumbles.   "Demons fear the Elder Elemental Eye," Wu says. "It is so much more powerful—and less containable—than they. It strikes them with both jealously and awe. And, as you may have seen, it strikes them down without prejudice."   Oh. "All of the glass?" I ask.   "Yes," he confirms. "The Elder Elemental Eye is ancient and powerful. It was presumed to be destroyed a very long time ago. However, I have learned of this being in my travels. It has very, very many titles. The most prominent I have learned is the Elder Elemental Eye. It is currently working through the Shadowfell. I may be wrong, but with all probability, you have experienced its influence at some point."   Shen Po flares his strange magic in his hand. "Does it look something like this?"   "Yes it does," he answers. "And I have a request. To be frank, I feel that even if you reject my offer, you will still aid me." His head rotates ever so slightly to gaze at each of us. "I would like you to help me destroy the Elder Elemental Eye."   I blink. "Do you even know how to do that?"   "I have a theory."   "A theory? Just a theory?" We need more than a theory.   He doesn't falter at my tone. "I've done a lot of research, and traveled very, very far to find answers. I have spoken with leaders on other continents, including the Temple of Concurrence, and the Scarlet Monastery." Traveled indeed. "I have brought some of their techniques here, and it is many of those techniques that keep this monastery safe."   I wave a dismissive hand. "Alright, so what's the theory?"   "When I came out here, I made a discovery that felt less like a discovery and more like a sign. The essence of the Elder Elemental Eye reviles the land itself, and it will fight back." From nowhere, he presents a yellowish prism that— I take a breath. One of the slivers. "This piece resonates with the land. I don't know what it's trying to tell me, only that when I became aware of the Elder Elemental Eye as an enemy it appeared. It appears to be a part of a whole."   "Yes," I say. "But you don't know what it does?"   "We were specifically instructed to not recreate it." Luban adds.   Master Wu turns to Luban. "You were instructed not to do this?"   Luban nods his head a few times. "The God-Emperor Julius said he did the same thing and regretted it."   "I don't know what motivation he would have to lie to you, but perhaps that sort of thing merits further inquiry." Wu turns back to me. "And you say you already have a piece? How did you come across it?"   "It appeared next to the body of Khan Bei, after we killed him and attempted to bury his body," I explain.   Wu thinks for a few moments. "I'm merely speculating, but he may have been under the influence of the Elder Elemental Eye, perhaps tasked to hide it away."   "Hide it away, or bring all the pieces together?" My mind races. "What if reassembling this opens the way for the Elder Elemental Eye?"   The Master is silent for several heartbeats. "I suppose I had not considered that. My hopes may have led me to some naïve tale."   "Hope can do that," I say wryly. What if he's lying? What if he's aiming to do just that; bring this evil creature into the world? That burning mask makes it impossible for me to tell.   "Nevertheless, I would like to task you with finding the rest of these slivers."   I quell my bubbling suspicion enough to continue the conversation. "Alright, so your theory is what? We take down the Eye and everyone trapped in the Nightmare Realm or Shadowfell is released?"   "Or able to pass on," Luban supplies. I quash those thoughts before they can sprout. Arslan's not dead.   "One or the other, yes," he nods. "My concern is that individuals who perish in these lands seem to have their souls absorbed by the Elder Elemental Eye." That book was right then. "I understand that what I'm asking of you all is no small task. To that end, I would like to lend aid as best I know how." He gestures to the half-elf at his right. "This is my lead arcanist and one of the strongest abjurers you'll ever meet. Her name is Morgan."   Mildred stiffens, then leans closer. She rises and points. "I know you." She takes several steps closer. "What was your mother's name?"   "Sophie," she replies, a smile playing on her lips.   "I-" Mildred begins. "I believe I'm your grandmother."   The young woman beams, her green eyes sparkling. "Yes! It's good to meet you!"   My mood sours further. What were the odds of running into one of your descendants at the edge of the world? Could've been you, happy with grandchildren, if you'd just focus. "Master Wu," I say to pull the attention back to the real matter at hand. "Would you happen to know of anywhere to start looking for the rest of the slivers?"   "Before we get to that, I have more gifts. One of which I know will be of aid to you. The other I can only hope will be. First, if you are to make yourselves enemies—as you already have—of the Elder Elemental Eye, you must be inured against its powerful influence. I know a measure of defense against this power." Suddenly, the gong sounds, reverberating around the room, and within my skull. As the sound fades, I find my thoughts to be... quieted. For now, at least. Everyone else looks to be at ease now, too.   "And I have another gift. It may not be useful to you now, but it may be useful to you soon. As I traveled out here, some of the ruins of this place were considerably more intact than others—this monastery one of them. And across these vast distances, some of these places were bound together. It turns out that the civilization that come before had considered some of the logistics of ruling and supplying an area as vast as this." He gestures before him, and then the elaborate pattern on the floor clicks in my memory. The teleportation circle from the hourglass temple, that Feng stepped through. So that wasn't a creation of Xew's. And there are more.   Morgan looks thoughtful. "Master, do we know where other locations are?"   "I know of a few personally, but they all require some nature of attunement. One must travel to them first before the teleportation will work." Wu shakes his head. "As for the slivers, I do not know. That said, there was one surprisingly friendly group who first introduced me to the idea of them, and they are still out here. They refer to themselves as the Nacylites." My head nods in recognition. Barumn from the Rusty Spear was their representative, and she gave me a map to their location. "If you give them reason to trust you, perhaps they can help.   "There is one last thing before you may consider yourselves free to go. The Elder Elemental Eye is growing in strength. Every soul that departs this plane strengthens it, even if only a very small amount. Given the ongoing conflicts between the different groups unwittingly aid in rousing the Eye, it would be beneficial if this warring were neutralized," Wu throws up his hands before anyone can interject. "I don't expect peace, I'm just making a considerate, personal request that fewer lives are taken."   "A doctor by the name of Agronemetsu R. Xew was said to have come this way." My head snaps to Shen Po. Now's your chance.   Master Wu's head tilts up. "Ah, yes. He came to the monastery not too long ago. He did not seek an audience. I only know of him because, well, Ougust will still occasionally complain about him."   "Any idea why he might be working on a blood plague? And working with demons?" Shen Po asks.   "I was unaware of this, and I will make sure it's passed along the proper channels," Wu says. "If he's working with demons, then it's unlikely he's working with the Elder Elemental Eye. Though the loss of life through the plague is still problematic."   So tracking him down is now is everyone's interest, instead of just mine. I speak up, but not about Xew. "I have no idea if he came all the way out here, but have you heard of a goliath named Temujin?"   Wu shakes his head. "I'm sorry, I've not heard the name." He passes Morgan the gold sliver and nods in dismissal. "I would be honored if you stayed another night before setting out."   Wearily, we depart, down the stairs back to our quarters.

Cover image: by holyflpncows


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