Shadowfell Geographic Location in Exodus | World Anvil


I pull it out and flip to the first page. Shadowfell. I lean against the shelf behind me and skim the pages. Mostly, it seems to theorize that the Shadowfell is closer to this plane the further east one is, and is a soul-web, having a higher chance of capturing souls of the dead the further east you are. Alarming. And the author repeatedly emphasizes how all of this is theory. Yet...with everything happening...


A dimension that resembles the material plane, but drained of vibrancy. Most of the landscape is flat glass, with only the Bimonastery as a recognizable landmark. The horizon stretches endlessly, bending unto a single focal point that is only reached through strong will.
Alternative Name(s)
Nightmare Realm
Dimensional plane
Characters in Location

Cover image: by holyflpncows


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