Blue Fort Settlement in Exflora | World Anvil
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Blue Fort

The city of Blue Fort is situated in a valley surrounded on 3 sides by mountains and by a lake at the entrance to the valley.    The lands around the Blue Fort are specifically important to the Tooloo clan of the Liptic People as the area has many clan specific traditional desert gathering locations in the sacred hills surrounding to the city. The city has always been considered a sacred city and has special significance to the feminine lines of the Tooloo families as many of the female family burial tombs are situated in this area.    


The population of the city is made up of about 95% Liptic People, with people from Gori and Bek Budi making up most of the other residents.


There is no man built defences in the city however the mountains and lake will make occupation difficult.


The main civic buildings in the city are religious or burial related. There is a central square at the lakeside entrance to the city where most public events are held. In the surrounding mountains, there are about 150 private burial caves and associated temples and offering locations.


The main tourism in the city is religious and burial tourism. Most families visit the city every few years to visit the family vaults of their ancestors. These can occur at any time but usually occurred on the 1st and 10th anniversary years of the internment of the close relative.    Internment only occurs for the female members of the family but both sexes will visit the family burial caves and temples.
Founding Date
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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