Invasion for Novocaine Military Conflict in Excellence | World Anvil
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Invasion for Novocaine

The Conflict


A miner working deep underground on the Prime Material stepped into a Fey Ring being transported to the Feywild. Lost in the underground between realms, the miner found a large deposit of rare ore, Novocaine. The information about this ore was limited, but there was knowledge of it's value and durability. Three decades passed, before this lost miner found their way back to the Prime Material.   The lost miner's knowledge gave a rough map of Feywild cave systems and locations of Novocaine deposits. Well-established settlements learned of this information; each desiring this ore for their own purposes. Although most settlements choose to work alone, those allied settlements lost less in the coming battles and managed to gather some ore. The shared ore was split allowing little manufactured items and these items are prized possessions.


Prime Material

Due to limited teleportation magic and guides through the Ethereal Plane, Prime-Dwellers were forced to use the Festival of Orbs portals to send the first stage of settlers and main supplies. Any other supplies, or people, had to use alternative teleportation, which was unreliable and more hazardous.   The first deployment contained scouts, rangers, builders, and miners. It was a small deployment to get a sense of the land and how to handle it's many challenges. They were successful in establishing a small outpost in the mountain. After this success, the Prime-Dwellers managed to establish several outposts and few mining operations before they were discovered. These settlements held little defenses against advanced warfare, but managing basic defenses and traps in reinforced caves. The Prime Material managed to send ten units of twenty soldiers before the settlements decimation.  

Fairy + Pixie

Both species have the home-front and magic experience advantage over the Prime-dwellers. These advantages were the key factors in their success in defeating the Prime-dwellers. Their proficiency in teleportation spells allowed mobilization of forces to these scattered settlements. Despite these advantages, the fairies began to lose when the first soldier deployment appeared and they retreated into fortified caves. The fairies decided to ally with the pixies, such an alliance was rare. The pixie heard their pleads and seemed unmoved till their appearance during the battle.


Many outpost and settlement buildings are the remains of this battle. Stepping inside these settlements, scattered bog iron items and weapons can be found here with magic damage along the standing walls. Most of these settlements are abandoned, but one settlement, Goat's Foot Haven, proved it was possible to live along side Prime-dwellers before it's eventually destruction.   The captured Prime-dwellers serve the Fey through work and live mostly normal lives just as they did before moving into the Feywild. Most Prime-dwellers can leave if they survive to a portal to the Prime Material, however, many choose to stay finding their days more fulfilling and interesting. Also, the Prime-dweller, who have returned from a travel back home, have told other dwellers that there is a time difference between when they left and it's not worth returning too.


Tensions between the Fey themselves and the Prime Material have increased. Fey Courts spend decades to centuries discussing grievances and important topics. The relationship between the Fairies and Pixies was one of these centuries long topics, however, it has come to the forefront once more. The Pixies have shown their weapon, Pixie Dust, wasn't just a bluff but a real threat to all Fey. Fairies have begun to get nervous about their ages long hatred; in response, they have allied themselves with more nymphs and dryads. Nymphs and Dryads are some of the few Fey immune to the pollen's effects.   In the Prime Material, the dragons have taken a tighter control over planar travel in their cities. Enforcing laws across continents to prevent a war starting between the two neighboring planes. Continuing of Festival of Orbs is encouraged, while heavy caution taken in offending any Fey.
Not all are listening could they start the next war? Can they survive such a war as long as their ancestors?
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result
Prime-Dwellers defeat; Feywild & Prim Material political change
Material | Aug 24, 2019

Porcelain-like metal in ability to be shaped and finishing color

Bog Iron
Material | Nov 23, 2019

Iron pulled from a Bog able to ward off Fey and other creatures

Pixie Dust
Technology / Science | Nov 23, 2019

Pixies weaponize Fairy's Blood tree pollen



Led by


Pixie Dust, Magic Experience, and Home-front


5% loss, deaths by Pixie Dust than by Prime-dwellers


Remove Prime-Dweller forces by any means necessary, including ally death.

Led by


Temporary alliance with Pixies, Magic Experience, and Home-front


Only 20% loss, however total force number is small


Push back Prime-Dweller invasion till they leave the Feywild by force, or choice.

Led by


Bog Iron weaponry


Total Loss: 93% ;; Survivors: 7% , Confirmed Captured: 5%, Missing: 15%


Establish settlements and mining operations for Novocaine

Cover image: by TheExasperatedDM


Author's Notes


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