Pixie Dust Technology / Science in Excellence | World Anvil
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Pixie Dust

The pollen of Fairy's Blood & Pixie Dust used by pixies as weapon against other Fey and Prime-dweller alike. To a pixie, or fairy, this pollen will coat their wings forcing them to be grounded for long periods of time and any skin contact will cause burning, itching, and hives. A Prime-dweller will die by seizures once they have inhaled this pollen.  


Fairy's Blood & Pixie Dust tree has been observed for years, while the fairies perfected alcohol, the pixies perfected pollen weaponry. The hardest challenge of using this material is storage and harvesting. Pollen disperses loose, quickly spreading throughout the air makes this material difficult to gather in large quantities. Storing the pollen for later use is difficult for it's sticking ability. Through ages, many a creature and spell; they discovered a way to harvest and store this pollen.  


It is common knowledge amoung pixies, there is a weapon in their possession which can disable fairies. This knowledge is enough for any pixie to bluff their ability to kill any fairy encountered. While the knowledge is common, the ability to use this weapon requires a team of pixies; each necessary in the correct execution of this weapon.   The members of the team know how to use the pollen and where it is stored. The ability to use the pollen is easy, but the storage is limited to 20 individuals. These individuals know of at least 3 other individuals storage locations to prevent pixie betrayal and disabling one individual doesn't stop the others from using it's storage.  


Pixie Dust has been used for one major battle and handful of minor battles. During the Invasion for Novocaine , pixies used their weaponized pollen to push back the Prime-dweller forces and disrupt mining operations. This battle demonstrated the power of Pixie Dust to Prime-dwellers and Fey alike. The use of this weapon succeed in pushing back the invasion, but it caused impacted in the Fey community.  


Fairies began to increase their relationships with nymphs and dryads, who are immune to the pollen's effects. It has become a main topic amoung the Fey Courts debated for it's weaponization, effects on rest of Feywild, handling the tense relationship between fairy and pixie. Feywild and Prime Material relationships are tense in areas, while others are more cautionary both for the nature of the Fey and this weapon.  


Pixies possess powerful magic, but their spell choice is limited. Thus, a team(s) of pixies is required to relay on each other for this weapon to work. This insistence of pixie groups working to together for a common goal is rare.  


A tree must be ready to pollinate, or the pollen is suspend in the air, for harvest to begin. The first team of pixies wear the most protective gear to prevent incapacitation, while they use gusts of wind to gather a clump of pollen. This clump is formed into a sphere and continuously pushed into this form for the next step. The running team must have a retreat spell cast upon them before they use their spell to contain this clump for transportation. Once this retreat spell is set, the running team create a sphere of force to contain the pollen while in motion. This team runs for the nearest portal to reach the storage team. These individuals create the storage room for this pollen to remain in till it is deployed for combat.  




Clouds are small areas covered by pollen, which can still be avoided. This method is easier and far less dangerous than the Storm. This deployment is similar to the Harvest. The storage spell is cast and keep open for the running team. The running team will create their sphere of force then carry the pollen to the target area. They simply disspell their magic once in the desired position. This team takes the most risk to run into the battlefield and deploy the pollen without covering themselves, or getting killed before reaching the area.


The Storm is a rarely used method for the cost and result can be a disaster for both fighting parties. The storage team will cast their doorways to the pollen rooms then an individual must throw a expensive, magical item into the doorway to force it's collapse. Using the wrong item can open a portal to a different realm, instead of forcing the room to eject all of it's content in the immediate area. These Storms can cover 30-90 feet of area depending on the ejection of it's contents.

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A total of four-five spells are used to to collect, transport, store and use this pollen as a weapon.  
  1. Gust - an easy, no-level spell allowing a gust of air to move 10 feet
  2. Resilient Sphere - 4th level spell creates a 10 foot sphere for 1 minute
  3. Expeditious Retreat - 1st level spell lets the user travel 3 times it's speed
  4. Demiplane - 8th level spell creates a temporary door to a 30 foot cube room
  5. Teleportation - many different spells for this one, however, a portal set up instead of spell
I must break immersion here to explain the mechanics of D&D spells. Note: I will break the mechanics because I can in my own game.
Fairy's Blood & Pixie Dust
Species | Sep 18, 2020

Feywild Tree used by fairies & pixies, harvested by nymphs, and warned about by Prime-dwellers

Cover image: Forest, Poland by Britta Rogge


Author's Notes


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