Bog Iron Material in Excellence | World Anvil
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Bog Iron


Material Characteristics

Ore State

Red to brown rock with dull gray and orange flecks inside. Rough, bumpy outer shell surface and inside is smooth gray with orange dust spot that can stain fingers.   This is the most common form Bog Iron appears in, however, it's other appearances are similar to other common ores. It can be found in many regions, however, the biggest exporter of Bog Iron is Black Mire.

In water

Red-orange coloring to the water. The discoloring of water is typically how the material is discovered.   Large deposits are found in, or near large areas of water, including underground water systems and near Black Dragon lairs. It is believed the reason for Black Mire's survival hinges on Black Wing's habitation of the area.

Physical & Chemical Properties

The material is identical to iron extracted from other locations and biomes. It can be used and manipulated in the same ways. The only defining characteristic of this metal from others of it's like, is the ability to ward off some types of Fey.   There are several other materials of varying type and origin that work against the Fey. Silver and Yew wood are two other materials that possess this ability. None of these materials hold magical properties on their own and can be enchanted normally. However, enchanted Bog Iron does not affect the Fey; even if it loses the magical enchant, the Fey can still interact with the iron.   The Fey affected by Bog Iron refuse to be studied as to why they are affected, however, this does not stop its use. Iron must be forged, non-enchanted, and extracted from a bog to have any affected on the Fey. Many believe Bog Iron items can be made more effective based on how it's forged, final shape, and how it was used. These beliefs are wide-spread, but have not been confirmed.

Geology & Geography

Black Mire is the typical source of Bog Iron and exports it to many regions. Locating Bog Iron is simple in Black Mire, a long stick and basic knowledge of the material is all it takes for people, the Boggers, to get quick coin. Withered plants including trees, large pools of water, nearby peat, and the red-orange coloring of water betray it's location to those above. Long wooden and metal sticks are used to find the depth of the ore and it's exact location.   Boggers will work in teams of two, or three, to protect the location of the Bog Iron, while one goes to inform the Quarry-Master. Although one can get quick coin, the hazards of Black Mire deters many from trudging it's waters. It's rare for a Bogger to become rich as cities in Black Mire only pay for the location of ore and not the size of the deposit. A Bogger can gain more coin by renting the Locate Object enchanted stones. These stones are kept by Quarry-Masters and given out to Boggers during the Bog Iron booming season. A several month period around the time of Festival of Orbs as the demand for Bog Iron items increases.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Bog Iron can be crafted into many different items and it is exported to many regions in different forms. It's most common use is to ward against fey and malevolent creatures. It's value and exportation increases around the months nearest to the Festival of Orbs predicted date. Everyday items are used to test, ward, or even sort fey creatures; while, weaponry is made for defensive purposes just in case you cross the wrong fey.

Common Bog Iron Items

  • Nails
  • Horseshoes
  • Arrow Heads
  • Palm-sized holy symbols
  • Daggers
  • Spider
  • Candle-holders
  • Doorknobs
  • Swords
  • Fences
  • Door Brackets
  • Statues

Cultural Significance and Usage

During the Festival of Orbs, these items are used in mass. Some areas fight the fey, others play, and many practice the ways of the Mask Deceiver using the items for games to sort through the different fey. Such is the way of the fey to desire play and games, thus the method of games using various metals and items to figure out "who is what" is becoming common in cities.   A common game used for this purpose is Quoits, a ring is thrown from a set distance towards a stake. The rings can be made from many materials; such as wood, metal, rope, hair, cloth, bone, and even living plants. There is no single, set way to play Quoits with different variations come different rules and materials required to withstand the conditions. This variety is types and rules of Quoits is caused by Fey's desire to play new and complex games. This is a downfall of the Fey as these games are used as clever distractions for them till they must return home. May the world never run out of games....
High, other areas besides Black Mire
Black Mire: Common
Common State
Chunks, nuggets, and red-orange dust in water
Related Locations
Black Mire
Geographic Location | Nov 26, 2023
Festival of Orbs
Tradition / Ritual | Aug 15, 2020

They're here! The Fey have arrived to play in the Prime-Material -- amuse them or perish

Mask Deceiver
Character | Sep 23, 2023


Author's Notes

Spider is the name for a 3-legged pan. Quoits Wiki Bog Iron Wiki   Fae-o-Matic is a lovely forum with nice reference material and OGL material. READ the bottom of the first post to avoid misuse of material.  

  • SummerCamp2019

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    Jul 2, 2019 20:00 by Sam Harven

    I think the basis of the material is wonderful. The culture surrounding it from the details of its acquisition to the games it is used in, the society surrounding Bog Iron is well thought out. However even after reading the article twice over I feel one question is still left vague: what are its special properties? From the fact that it is used to ward off fey or that it causes vegetation around its deposits to die and decay it seeks to have some sort of magical property. This is however barely elaborated on. If its value is so high, then what special application does it have which cheaper iron or even steel can fill? Why would you use bog iron for horseshoes over the much cheaper iron? I'm genuinely curious to see what your answers are.

    Jul 3, 2019 04:39

    I have added the NECESSARY details that were only in my head. Hopefully, my new "Properties" section will answer some of your questions.

    Jul 2, 2019 20:23 by Tristan Snaer

    The fact this article takes the time to become something more than just, "here's the item, here's what it looks like," is wonderful! You take more time to explain the significance of the material in the world around it than you do just describing the it looks, though I know knowing how something looks is important too. I suppose I have two inquiries:

  • One: Perhaps you can elaborate on why the material is so valued and wide-spread. I understand that it's used for a plethora of different things, but what specific aspect about them causes this? Do they possess a magical aura unique to any other ore? Is it similar to vibranium in the Marvel universe (stronger than steel, 1/10th of the weight)?
  • Two: A smaller note, but you end the article off with, "The fey's." Was their perhaps more you wanted to add? Because, there is definitely a lot of room here to work in the connection between bog iron and the fey.
  • ~ Tristan
    Jul 3, 2019 04:48

    I have added details to answer your first questions in the "Properties" section. I forgot to add it, however, the specifics of how it acts will be left out. I typically do this so my players can discover something even if they ever read it. Plus I can make a secondary article out it.   Thanks for that catch! I must have gotten distracted or lost my train of thought. I have now given it is proper form, a sentence.

    Jul 2, 2019 20:32 by William Belley

    I am curious of the properties as well. does it cut feys easier ? does it gives them sickness/infection? is there a lore reasons why they hate it ?   Also, how are other countries dealing with Black Mire ? Could one invade that place for this use ?   Is the material density/hardness weaker than common steel and iron ?

    Jul 2, 2019 21:10 by Heath O'Donnell

    I'm immedietly inticed by the ide of only this type of iron being what is damaging to Fey. A very unique take on a classic fantasy trope!   While others have mentioned that you spent less time describing the material, a tough skill to gain, I was a little lost on how certain things really worked for this article. The Boggers feel like an excerpt from a Profession article, and the games seemed to be from several Ritual articles. Its not bad, but not how I'm used to seeing things written up.   I am interested in how enchanted bog iron works. I personally have iron that damages Fey, but also cancels out magic, so this concept is really interesting.   Again, a very detailed article that just needs a bit more seperation on what is actually about the Material. Good work!

    Jul 3, 2019 04:52

    The reason for that is, I didn't want this to just be an article that just describes the material itself. The article format has an "Everyday Use" & "Cultural Significance" after all and I thought these details would fit there. I believe I still left it vague enough to where I can make secondary articles how of them.   Plus writing it out in those sections might have given me the idea for another prompt. Hint: Games