Black Mire Geographic Location in Excellence | World Anvil
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Black Mire


Black Mire's former glory was known as the Wyvern-Groves. The largest forest on the continent that was a home for wyverns, breeding area for drakes, and nesting ground for some dragons. A tribe of wood elves guarded the forest and cared for the beasts, even learned to use them for warfare. However, this tribe did not share their secrets on how to tame these beasts before their death. The tribe and most of the forest was destroyed by a large winged beast and it is assumed this beast was a dragon. When the event took place it was the time before Dragon's Peace and the world was still a dark place, so it is not determined what kind of beast it was. The land began to turn into a swamp as the land was flooded repeatedly and the former life could not survive the floods.


Fen   The people who live here have built 'floating gardens' in the swamp. These gardens raise a few feet above the water and serve as farm land. These are made with combined effort of spellwork and manual labor. Plots are decided and built before the earth is moved into place as spell only lasts a short duration. Solid poles of wood are driven into the swamp floor to form a rectangle as common practice the corners are reinforced with trees. The spell-casters assist the farmers to move the earth to where they need it as the farmers sort what is viable soil. When the soil has been sorted, the spell-casters manipulate the earth into the pre-built plot.   Most structures are made on wood stilts or apart of trees, which the exception of important farming towns and Chandilly. There are a handful of towns with buildings built into the trees are few, because there ain't many trees that can handle the weight of buildings. The wood stilts stink and are replaced with frequency till the building stinks to low to save. The stunk building is salvaged for materials an rebuilt on higher stilts. This continuous struggle against the swamp's nature has caused the architecture of these towns to have a similar layout and building method.

Natural Resources

Peat   Bog Iron is one of the few materials that can be used against fey.
Wetland / Swamp
Related Materials

Cover image: by Vertixico


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