Goat's Foot Haven Geographic Location in Excellence | World Anvil
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Goat's Foot Haven

Don't get any closer. Move away. Come to me.
— Akele, the courier
There are few who will venture out into the Feywild, even less so to decimated, war-ruined areas. The creatures lurking in these places are different to those of the Feywild.


It was said to be beautiful, bodacious town. Now, we must be fast and quiet. Follow my every move, and do not question it. Don't stray again. I might not be able to save you, next time.
— Akele, the courier
Eerie quiet takes the lively forest as it thins to a faintly shimmering border to a stark, flat plain with a silhouette in the distance. This silhouette is the ruins of Goat's Foot Haven, large faun town. Goat's Foot Haven was one of the largest faun villages in the Feywild with a large statue of Pan in the town square.   The land around Goat's Foot Haven was not a plain, but a forest mingling with buildings of Prime Material make. These buildings were an unsuccessful village from a Prime Material incursion. These buildings became a piece of familiarity for those from the Prime Material stranded, or kept in the Feywild. They settled into these buildings, and a nearby faun village traded with them. Soon, the two groups of different worlds joined together. The fauns built their traditional houses in the surrounding trees, while the old buildings were improved and repaired. Expansion was head by the fauns' houses and Prime individuals accepted this just as they accepted their fate here.

Fauna & Flora

Nightmares, those poor creatures. Taken from their homes, maimed, then pieces of them ripped away. Left to death slowly for the land to turn them into their very names. It is a hope that they can be saved, but how do you heal wings no longer there.
— pegasi groomer
  Burning embers hoofprints, shadows striking across the dull gray sky, smell of dry earth hangs still in a breezeless air. This land is not Feywild, but a shard of the Shadowfell. The shimmering border is a thin ripple of magic between the planes, unlike other Corrupted Land, it does not spread into the Feywild. Shadowfell creatures were brought with this shard, but they only stray to the border between for food. Feywild plants will not cross the border, but grow in the opposite direction. No flora from Shadowfell is found here and it is not known whether the Shadowfell can sustain plant life.

Natural Resources

I don't know who they were, but they weren't them. Left leg of a ram, right leg of teifling, three spider legs up the right-side, the left half and it's face..a human...hair clung to their head, dull blue eyes like a corpse, but it spoke. It asked me to spare it, help it and it grabbed me with those spider legs. I...I stabbed it's chest but it didn't cry just smiled and hummed the 'Home of Dragons'.
— lost dragonkin cradling a corpse
  When the two cultures mixed, they rediscovered a plant that both of their worlds held in common. Goat's Foot, or Gout Weed by Prime natives, was used for food and medicinal purposes, respectively. They began to experiment with the plant and found a liquor could be made from the plant. The people of the town keep their process secret, but sold the liquor throughout the Feywild.   Although the plant is hardy and managed to survive on the outskirts of the Feywild forest, the people weren't as fortunate. Thus the process died with the people as did all Feywild life in the area. Now, the Shadowfell's resources exist in it's place. However, knowledge of the Shadowfell and it's resources is scarce. This dangerous merging of planes could give scholars and sages a chance to study the unknown.
Status: Decimated, Unstable magic
Dimensional plane

Cover image: Bishop's Gout Weed by kazandrew


Author's Notes

Goat's Foot, yes I am a real plant   SummerCamp2019

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