Great Horned Owl Species in Evermyst | World Anvil

Great Horned Owl

Written by Crafty_Dm

One of the most infamous Nocturnal hunters in Evermyst is the Great Horned Owl these creatures are considered Highly Intelligent and Can grow to have a wingspan nearly 40' across. You will find the Great Horned Owls making nests in the Tallest Trees, Difficult to reach Mountain cliffs and Hillsides of the great continent of Arimar. They hunt at night preying on Farm Cattle, Deer, or Boar even an occasional Mountain lion or bear. It is known that the most venerable of these Great Horned Owls can even communicate telepathically. Some Great druids and clerics have been known to charm or tame these animals making them fantastic Riding beasts.

Basic Information


Great Honed Owls have Powerful Wings, Two incredibly powerful Talons and their Heads can turn nearly 360 degrees.

Genetics and Reproduction

Male Typically build a nest for their Mate around mating season High on inaccessible cliffs or Very Tall Trees. One mating through some Exquisite acrobatic flight more like a ballet the Female lays a clutch of 1-4 Eggs. The gestation of these eggs is typically 2 months before they hatch.

Growth Rate & Stages

Hatchling (0-11 Months), Baby (1-2 years), Young (2-20 years), Adult (21-75 Years) Old (75-120 Years)

Ecology and Habitats

These Great-horned Owls prefer Forested Regions, Remote cliffside for their Nests typically overlooking forested vallys, lakes, and rivers to hunt but often venture out into open plains at night should food be scarce.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Meat, Fish sometimes smaller fowl.


These Creatures prefer solitary living most of the time except mating season.

Additional Information

Social Structure

For the most part, The Great Horned Owls are solitary lives they come together with their perspective partner during mating season and remain until their young are old enough to fend for themselves.


Domestication is Probably not the best term. Many Great-horned Owls have minds of their own and love to be independent but have entered into pacts or alliances with humanoid kinds. or charmed or controlled by magical means. Great horned Owls have been known to offer or accept riders in these pacts if they are treated with dignity and respect.

Average Intelligence

Highly Intelligent Animal, Some to above average Human Level

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Great Horned Owls Posess Fantastic Night Vision and can see in the darkness nearly 200' feet Double that in Moonlight. Their Ears are particularly sensitive and sharp being able to pick out some of the slightest noises to about 100 feet. Their head turn in such a manner as to allow nearly 360-degree adjustments to their Vision without turning anything other than their head.
Horned Owl in Flight
Great Horned Owl by Craftydm
Challenge Level (1-20)
Number Encountered
Movement Types
Fly, Walk
120-150 Years
Average Height
14-18 feet Head to Talon
Average Weight
450 to 500 lbs
Average Length
Wingspan can reach nearly 40 Feet
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The great horned owl is generally colored for camouflage. The underparts of the species are usually light with some brown horizontal barring; the upper parts and upper wings are generally a mottled brown usually bearing heavy, complex, darker markings.

Cover image: by Night Cafe AI


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