The Pact Session Six: The Downbelow Report in Evermore | World Anvil
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The Pact Session Six: The Downbelow

General Summary

  • The Traveling Ballz lounge in the Painted Lady and about town for a couple days. A lot of shopping is done.
  • Desmond steals a Wand of Cure Light Wounds and ditches the market. The stall owner caused a Halfling to be arrested
  • Coincidentally, on his way out he ran into Zule, who was engaged in conversation with the Questgive
  • Here's the deal: The Iron Shadow has been dealing with some scabs in Dragonscale, who steal and dwell in the sewers but haven't been paying the protection fee, and in fact have been actively avoiding Guild contacts
  • Naturally, the party is totally down to break some kneecaps on behalf of the mafia, Traveling Ballz style, so off we go
  • But first buy more stuff
  • Into the sewers. Armed with nothing but a map and general instructions to "kill monsters, break stuff", the party bravely ventures deep into the shit-stained halls of ancient Dragonscale's underground. They bravely fight off a sewer dinosaur, a swarm of rats, and a wererat
  • Well, as it turns out that the scabs are actually a community of wererats. It's illegal to be a lycanthrope in the Empire, so they live down here and steal garbage and scraps to survive
  • Well, as Zule points out, the wererats are going to need allies. Their choices, as far as the party is concerned, are to get the shit beaten out of them now and killed later or to cough up money for the Guild. 
  • They choose life. 
  • After emerging from the sewers, the party turns in the quest at Bloody Rare Meats and are rewarded not only with gold but with the promise that so long as the party needs criminal help in Dragonscale, the Shadow will answer. 
  • End of session, with plenty of baths. 

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Hired Muscle: Collect payment for the Iron Shadow
  • The Price of Infamy: Perform a quest for an evil-aligned faction

Character(s) interacted with

  • The Questgiver of Dragonscale, lieutenant of Dragonscale's Thieves' Guild 
  • Caracheck, leader of Dragonscale's wererat clan (The Yellow Fang clan)

Related Reports

This side quest takes place a few days after the last session
Report Date
19 Aug 2021
Primary Location


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