The Pact Session Five: The Bitch of Dragonwood Report in Evermore | World Anvil
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The Pact Session Five: The Bitch of Dragonwood

General Summary

  • The party has spent a few days recovering from their exploits
  • Desmond got banned from the Lucky Leaf Casino, after cheating 100 GP out of several games of cards (they couldn't prove anything)
  • Some other stuff happened, but I honestly can't remember it. 
  • Anyway, the party decided to hunt down the legendary Bitch of Dragonwood, a demonic direwolf with a hefty bounty on it's head. Naturally, the party enlisted the aid of Lady Jael, who had all the wanted posters taken down so the party would be the only ones hunting, if they got lucky
  • However, on their way out of the city, the party was attacked by their oldest nemesis: Dani of the Scytheclaw Clan, an Elvish lady who Desmond "did not" steal a drink from in session one. Naturally, the party won against her and her sons handily. The party made her sons promise to keep Dani from attacking them anymore, and also hand over all of their valuables. 
  • Anyway, the party travelled for two days to find the beast's lair
  • An epic battle ensued. They fought the wicked wolf, it transformed into a magical girl, they kicked the shit out of her and took her captive
  • The party ventured all the way back to Dragonscale, lied to a gate guard to get in, and were escorted to the Count's palace to turn in their quest
  • Hell yeah

Rewards Granted

A whole bunch of stuff you can find in the Discord loot chat

Missions/Quests Completed

  • A Rival: Beat the shit out of Dani Scytheclaw
  • The Big Bad Wolf: Slay the Bitch of Dragonwood (Technically) 
  • The Price of Fame: By defeating a legendary foe, the party's Fame score has increased

Character(s) interacted with

  • Dani of the Scytheclaw, an Embereki brawler that hates the party, over four silver pieces they can easily pay back
  • Vivian Velvela, the wicked spellcaster masquerading as the Bitch of Dragonwood. Female Tegdylun human.
  • Summer Balthi, court wizard to Count Eric VI. Female Skaldoran human.

Related Reports

This session takes place after this one
Report Date
05 Aug 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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