The Rite of Freezing Tradition / Ritual in Everfall | World Anvil
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The Rite of Freezing

"Vroken always took his theories very seriously. He was so inflexible its no wonder demands have become dogma."   -The Wanderer


The Right of Freezing is the foremost decree of Vroken The Wild Watcher. All peoples who reach the age of two hundred must undergo the Right of Freezing as payment for their long life. Those who refuse to observe the the Right of Freezing may live a longer life, but upon their death, they will be forfeit to the torments of The Helio Drives for all eternity.


The individual undergoing the ritual must fast for the five days prior to the rite. The final day is traditionally spent throwing a party for family and close friends. After the party, the individual undergoing the ritual must go through several mental and physical preparations before the final ceramony is performed in whcih they enter the Frigus Coffin and are taken into the Frozen Crypts.

Components and tools

The ritual includes the the burning of ceremonial incense and concentration with chemicals strong in Grey Magic. There are also many kinds of arcane apprentice involved in the process, but the most important of these is the Frigus Coffin.


It is customary for all of the individual's living descendants to be present as they pass on to the afterlife. A Sister of The Frozen Expanse must also be present to perform the ritual.


The rite is observed upon the two hundredth anniversary of an individual's birth.
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