Nymph - Water Fairy Species in Evera | World Anvil

Nymph - Water Fairy

Nymphs are slightly larger water fairies than Pixies.

Shape-shifting creatures, usually tiny humanoids wearing waterlily-like clothing. They are fond of singing and dancing. Nymphs don't like to leave the waterfront they consider their home.

Unlike the other small fairies, they are far from friendly. If someone disturbs their peace, hurts one of them, or endangers their home, they try to drown him with united forces. Then they organize a feast from the remains.

Nymphs have wings that are like those of dragonflies. They can swim and breathe underwater. These fairies are sensitive to poisons, and acid, and can use Fairy magic well.

Cover image: by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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