Eribeal ore Material in Evera | World Anvil

Eribeal ore

Eribeal, "Moonstone" in the common language, is a honey-colored, very hard heavy metal. The ore is mined from the depths of the earth, among the rocks of ancient volcanoes. Crystallized over millennia, 'liquid moonshine' is now extracted in a stable, room-temperature and solidified form.

History & Usage


Eribeal crystallized in the depths of Evera roughly ten thousand years ago. The first written records are from the Second Age, from Mogeth, but the Dwarves probably encountered it before, only with less importance attached to it. In Zililon, during the Great War of the Third Age, it was the most sought-after ore. Although its popularity decreased in the 4th Era with the spread of newer technologies and lighter metals, Eribeal products are considered a kind of status symbol to this day. Blades made of eribeal can be found in all cities of the world.

Mindennapi Használat

It is primarily a raw material for enchanted weapons, but it is also used for heavy armor, and those who have become rich from its extraction or processing also wear it as jewelry (signet ring or pendant).

Kulturális Jelentőség és Használat

It is mainly used in elf and human societies with a high level of mystical development, as it has a high ability to absorb magic, more than one enchantment can be cast on it - without effort. (It is an extremely ideal choice for making magic items.) Since its extraction requires digging deeper than most ores, Dwarven mining engineers, even from other countries, are usually entrusted with the extraction work.

Elkészítés & Termékek

Eribeal itself is extremely clean (even in its liquid state it expels impurities) and does not mix with other substances, so it cannot be alloyed. Each of the weapons and armor made of eribeal is considered a masterpiece in terms of production time and material requirements.

Környezeti Hatás

Eribeal mines also cause some environmental damage on the surface - if we only consider the amount of felled trees used to build the mine area and to underpin extremely deep shafts - but the underground life can also be thoroughly disturbed by the presence of mining teams that suddenly appear. Not all inhabitants of the depths of the earth tolerate their peaceful days being turned upside down.
500 gold coins / pound
Hardness: 15 It has 30 HP for every inch of thickness.
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Cover image: by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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