
Dwarves were created by Jomril, their smaller height allows them to navigate underground cave systems more easily. Most Dwarves are sharp-eyed, persistent and rule-following individuals with little sense of humor. Dwarves live in clans, in a strict hierarchy, which has helped them survive even the most difficult times. The word of the Clan leader is an order. Anyone who violates the rules of the clan (be it external law or internal custom) will quickly become an outcast. The same fate awaits those who, for some reason, portray the clan in a bad light. 
A dwarf who has lost his clan is doomed - at least it once was. Today, people generally accept most of these newcomers, if they are viewed with suspicion.


Közös szokások és értékek

Almost all Dwarves follow the faith of Jomril. Few people can follow other religions at the same time if they were born in an area of mixed nationality. Honor, reliability, persistent, hard work are just as common requirements among Dwarves as distrust towards strangers. Most Dwarves follow the honorable, lawful path throughout their lives.

Általános technológiai szint

Not in magic, but in technology the Dwarves are ahead of Evera. Their industrious masters make machines and their knowledge of chemistry and alchemy is far above that of the Mystic elves. They are constantly searching for new things, developing and testing alloys and weapons.

Általános Öltözködési szokások

Dwarves like simple, practical clothes, large, spectacular jewelry, armor and weapons. They like to wear armor even on ordinary days, and the "work clothes" of various occupations are also held in high esteem. They almost never go outside without a weapon.

Általános szokások, hagyományok, rituálék


Among Dwarves, there are two types of betrothal: intra-clan and inter-clan. (It is very rare for a dwarf to choose a mate of another race.) Arranged marriages also occur, in which case the youngs have no chance to say no (they can only hope that they have at least one closer common ancestor). If the head of the clan says no to the marriage, the couple have two choices: to submit or to start a new life outside the clan. Very rarely do they have the courage to move far away from the clan (even to another country) and live together there, but they cannot marry until the clan leader agrees. If they are very persistent or a new leader comes to the head of the clan, there is a chance that they will be able to officially marry after a few decades or centuries.
In the case of an engagement within the clan, the clan's documents are thoroughly researched so that the couple's family tree does not show a match for at least four levels. This usually occurs in large, extended clans. The head of the clan approves the engagement and sets the date or year of the wedding. In order for the wedding to be worthy of the clan, couples sometimes have to wait years for the ceremony.
Even in the case of an engagement between clans, if there is a suspicion that they may have shared ancestors, they thoroughly research the family trees. The two clan leaders agree on who will receive the youngs and how much wealth the other will send the departing party on their way. There are also "mass" betrothals (usually arranged marriages) when two clans wish to strengthen their ties and form up to 8-10 couples. In such cases, weddings are held relatively quickly, even within a year.
It always happens between clans, even within a clan, that the parents of young people exchange expensive gifts among themselves or give gifts to the couple. These are usually armor and/or weapons that are passed down within the family or made for this occasion.  


The couple is usually brought together by the clan leader or, if the clan leader is te one who married, by one of his/her senior relatives or the second official of the clan. If the young people come out of two clans, they will be brought together by the clan leader with whom they will live in the future. Dwarven weddings are usually held in winter.
Young people must swear oaths to each other and to the clan, so often almost the entire clan gathers for such an event. Precisely for this reason, it is common for several couples to celebrate their wedding at the same time. The wedding traditionally lasts until the last guest congratulates the couple. Especially for clan leaders, it is common for the wedding to last up to a week - before everyone comes to congratulate the couple. A long wedding is also a measure of the affluence of the clan, so even the smallest wedding should last at least two days.
The fact of the marriage is entered in the records of the clan hosting the couple.
Dwarves dissolve marriages only if one party is exiled from the clan.  
Second wife: If a married couple does not have children or the children do not survive, after a hundred or two hundred years, the clan leader usually gives permission to take a second wife. (Sometimes a second husband is also mentioned in the chronicles.) The second marriage is a kind of business, she usually gets her own home, where her husband visits her, but does not live with him. Being the second wife is not a great honor, but it is not a great shame either. The fate of less pretty girls, orphans, and widows, who are taken care of by their husbands in exchange for the blessing of children. However, if they fail to give the family a child within a foreseeable time, the marriage will be dissolved and they will be exiled, so there is some risk involved.

Születési és keresztelő rítusok

Planned childbearing is common among Dwarf families. A couple usually has one or two children, which primarily depends on the financial situation of the clan. Very rich, well-to-do clans or clan leaders may have up to three children, but four only in the rarest of cases. Parents prefer to have fewer children if they are not sure that they can raise the children decently without bringing shame to the clan.
If the parents are not married or the identity of the father is unknown, the mother can expect to be ostracized and banished from the clan as soon as the pregnancy is discovered. If the parents are already betrothed, they can try to save what can be saved by asking for the blessing of the clan leader. If the mother is left alone, she may try to travel far away from the clan towards the end of the pregnancy, give birth to the child and leave it in a temple to be cared for. The children placed in this way usually belong to the church, they bear the name of the church instead of the clan name, and they can remain on the fringes of Dwarven society, tolerated, only in the service of the church. Sometimes they become criminals when they grow up.
Childbirth is an intimate thing, mothers often have to cope with the task with one or two assistants or alone, they can only count on any kind of external help in the last minutes. The period of childbirth is very short, a Dwarf woman cannot afford to rest for more than three days, because a weak woman is a disgrace to the clan. It is typical that the mothers also carry the newborns tied on their chests, while they carry out their usual activities. Of course, the strained pace is not good for women, 2-3 out of 100 women die during childbirth or in the following days from lack of regeneration. Among children, families lose two out of 100 children with similar proportions (see consequences under the "heading death").
Children are officially introduced to the clan around the age of two, until then they bear a one-word baby name or nickname. The name for the child is chosen by the head of the clan, this name can be used together with the clan name. The presentation is respectful and solemn. The head of the clan then usually rewards the parents with a smaller amount. After naming, the child is entered in the clan's history book.

Felnőtté válási rítusok

The young Dwarf becomes an adult at the age of 100, by which time he/she has usually learned at least one profession and can take up a job.
The initiation into adulthood is carried out by the head of the clan, and from then on the young person must take on a job (if he has not found one by himself, the head of the clan assigns him to someone or finds a place for him through his connections). The clan provides the young person with a place to live, this can be a room in the clan's house or their own apartment or house.

Temetési és megemlékezési rítusok

Dwarves embalm their dead and often visit their graves. Almost the entire clan accompanies the Dwarves on their last journey. The embalmed body is carried from his apartment to the crypt on an ornate stretcher with bells ringing and accompanied by trombones and chants. It is typical that songs are written about his life, which can be preserved in memory. They believe that the deceased joins the glorious ancestors in a decorated hall, where there is always food, drink, and singing as a reward after a busy life. (It is often heard from tired dwarves that "they will rest in the grave".)
The deceased is laid to rest in his best clothes or most decorated armor, with his weapons and jewelry in the crypt located deep in the city. It is typical for Dwarves that each clan has its own crypt. These are typically rock-cut catacombs. The mourning ceremony is usually followed by a vigil, lasting a night or even a week, depending on the deceased's role in the clan. During this time, not only the deceased, but also his ancestors are remembered - so that the history of his ancestors is not forgotten with the death of the deceased.
The period of mourning is only a few months for the close family, but the spouse can enter into a new marriage during this time (especially if the clan head decides so). The close family visits the deceased every few months, they leave sacrificial gifts on the altar of their god (money, precious stones, but also food and alcohol). A statue is sometimes erected in memory of the deceased. If the deceased has no immediate family, the clan leader decides on his property and home.
The death of a newborn/toddler, who does not yet have a clan name, is the concern of the close family, including the mother, who quietly buries the child with a priest of the clan. They are usually cremated so that it can be returned to Jomril more quickly, who will "reform and send it back". They do not talk about these children, it is forbidden to talk about them from the funeral. If a woman does not have any more children, she can count on her husband leaving her or taking a second wife.

Általános tabuk

  • The name of the clan is sacred. They don't even scold each other's clan out of anger or make fun of the name.
  • Murders are punished very severely, often not only the perpetrator, but quite a few of his family members suffer.



A Dwarf man should have broad shoulders and a thick beard. The Dwarf woman's wide hips and, preferably, large breasts provide the necessary appearance. Contrary to rumors, Dwarven women don't have beards - but if they did grow one, they would definitely get rid of it. The smooth, flawless complexion is another important feature of the Dwarf woman, and they are willing to pay any amount to take care of it.

Nemi ideák

Both men and women must be hardy and persistent at work. Intelligence is considered at least as important as physical appearance. Both men and women are excellent and brave warriors. They do not differentiate between professions. Housework in the clan or family is assigned to one person, often it is the task of an old or young person who does not work in a workshop, but that person can be a man or a woman.

Udvarlási szokások

Dwarves respect their ancestors and elders. Young people are obliged to greet and address their elders with respect. The hierarchy between the individual clans also affects etiquette, if the status of clan A is higher, then the member of clan B among those of the same age should say hello in advance. Of course, it is an individual question as to who is offended if they are not greeted according to the paper form. Among the clans, Brenzcharn (brens-charn) is the very first, so wherever its members go in the world, the Dwarves greet them with respect.

Kapcsolati szokások

Romance is not characteristic of Dwarves or is interpreted in a very specific way, rather they find their great Love in combat, hunting or dueling. Those who fight well attract the interest of the opposite sex. The same is true for work and family life. Anyone who works well, or regularly attends clan events and celebrations, soon begins to be praised.
Arranged marriages between two clans or within a clan are not uncommon.
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Cover image: by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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