Pact Survivalist Profession in Ethnis | World Anvil

Pact Survivalist

Know Thyself, Know Your Environment, Educate Others

— Mantra of the Survivalist

Those of survivors guild dedicate themselves to the mastery of the wilderness and the flora and fauna within. No matter the environment, no matter the location, a survivalist either endures or finally touches their mortal limit.

Survivalists of the Guild can be found everywhere that civilization isn't both domestically on the wilds of Jhoutai or deep in the stars on the unclaimed worlds of the universe.

Becoming an Initiate

To become an initiate of the guild, you most make a journey either alone or with a fellow initiate from Aempis, to the front gate of Faur'ricai. This is not a task that can be taken lightly. The climb in treachorous, and it's danger is inherit in the stream of markers and monuments to other potential initiates who did not prove themselves worthy.

The Hike takes three days on average to complete, it must be completed with limited technology and only a basic envirosuit. The weather is horrid for all but the luckiest hikers, and long falls await any who lose their footing.

Once a newcomer arrives at they gate, they are welcomed in with open arms, a warm bed, and a warm meal. Their training begins only two days later.

Rising to Adept

The Rise to Adept begins when an Initiate completes their training and is allowed to take jobs in the name of the Guild. The training to get to this point is strenous and grueling. Days in the heat, in the cold; practicing, training, instructions, and research. Only after they have received approval from their assigned Master will they be given access ot the Guild's job board.

Once they complete their first job, they are an official Adept, and can start turning their knowledge into a adventerous career.

Adepts are sent on missions via the small spaceport protected by the valley of the Northern Peaks, those with active jobs will be sent to where ever their assignment takes them. Most newer adepts will be limited to jobs

Earning Specialist

Taking on multiple jobs in a single environment, or bringing a unique skillset seperate than surivalism will earn Specialist ranking. Specialists are much more profitable and are offered much more challenging and lucrative jobs that call for their experience.

Acheiving Mastery

Become a @monoli through your deeds with the Survivalist guild.

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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