Dead Space Myth in Ethnis | World Anvil

Dead Space

The Dead Space Prophecy is a doomsaying idea that some day the Junkberg Bermuda will be lost to the clutches of the Wayhall. Whether it be an anamolous event, or an unfortunate series of closures that entrap the ship within an untraversable bubble.

While there is documented cases of ships become marooned within the Wayhall corridors, it is primarily due to poor navigation rather than uncontrollable phenomena.


Yeah yeah, we get all these drunkards and jerks coming on board and claiming that this whole place will eventually fail. Some say it's due to disease, others think we'll be blown up. The best ones are the Dead Spacers, people who believe that we'll be sucked into the void never to be seen again.

We got one of the best captains at the helm and a navigator with more affectations than the poshy leader of the Procession, I think we are fine.

— Bermudian Citizen

The Threat of Being Lost

There is credibility to the idea of being lost within the corridors of the Wayhall. Poor navigators or those besieged by combat have drifted into the void outside the defined corridors of the Wayhall. Entering these spaces can lead to ships being lost entirely, or placed into situations where time passes extremely fast or extremely slow.

Ships that are lost within these voids can often been seen but never reached, like jutting shipwrecks in a great ocean.

The Dead Space Dread

When the Wayhalls reopened, many of the citizens of the Junkberg fled to more stable civilization believing that the Junkberg was floating on borrowed time. Many believe the Wayhalls may close once more, and leave the ship stranded forever.

More loyal Bermudians recognize that they survived centuries by themselves, so even if they did ever become stranded they could survive by the own no matter the situation.


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