Courier Boots

Made for travelers crossing the vast and dangerous gardens of the Vanthric Lords to deliver their word and tend to their gardens. They contain a powerful and useful magic which allows the spell to safely deliver the wearer over gaps and perilous terrain with ease.

Don't Kill the Messenger!

The Penitent Effigy roosted in the craggy slopes above a fissuring ravine. Her master's chosen prison for the violent diety was an unfortunate destination for Liroshi, given the edict of extended sentence she had been tasked with delivering.

As expected, the message was not well-received, and the eidolon's resultant tantrum had taken the shape of an avalanche chasing her down the slope. The shifting gravel and the dirt made for poor footing. Lira's descent was more of a controlled slide than considered strides, but she needed to hold off on her magic until the right moment: the fissure's edge.

It came mercifully fast and damnably soon. Stones as large as her head were already racing past her and flinging themselves over the edge by the time she reached it, with boulders thundering close behind her. Her footing was poor, and her momentum paltry — she had reached the fissure at a jog rather than a sprint.

There was no time to hesitate. She leapt, closed her eyes, and pedaled through the air, praying that the gap was not too wide...

Wisps of magic curled from her boots like wings, and she felt herself hurled forward as though the ground had risen up beneath her feet to throw her — the unseen tendrils of the boot's spell launching her outwards.


Play a Royal: Spend any amount of Soul, add half as many spaces onto a Movement check. During this movement, their weight is halved and they ignore 2 points of Malus each from Terrain and Slope. (Byrules)

Possible Upgrades


While the spell is active, you may now cross liquids as solid terrain. You are still affected by the movement of the liquid, and will sink if you stand still.


While the spell is active, the range added onto the movement may also be subtracted from Vault checks when calculating the difficulty of landing.


The spell may be activated alongside a Stomp check to launch the target. The attack does no additional damage, but gravity may have more to say on the matter.

Cover image: Courier Boots by Midjourney


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Feb 4, 2024 21:12 by Chris L

I am also thinking of shoes for the swift prompt, but I'm going to make them elven shoes!

Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

Feb 4, 2024 22:39 by Ademal

Guess what the Vanthric are :3

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Feb 4, 2024 23:07 by Chris L

Great minds!

Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

Feb 6, 2024 16:31 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

'The attack does no additional damage, but gravity may have more to say on the matter.'   This made me laugh.

Feb 6, 2024 21:18 by Ademal

Gravity sternly assures all participants that this will be a painful resolution.

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
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