Arkosanctum Primer in Ethnis | World Anvil

Arkosanctum Primer

Getting Started

Welcome traveller! Whether you're here as a player or storyteller, we're glad to have you. What lies ahead of you is an E.N.Core adventure of 1-to-4 friends.

To begin with, each player will need to create a character. They will need a deck of cards for their characters. You will need a deck of cards for your NPCs, and you may want a set of TTRPG dice if you do not wish to use the virtual dice supplied in the following entries.

It would also be a good idea for you to join the Discord. E.N.Core is a WIP—it works approximately how we want, but our efforts to fully document and articulate it are ongoing. If you join the Discord, you will have our ear. We are very responsive. :)

Once you have your party...

Then you're ready to begin. The following pages are written for the Narrator's benefit, not the players, so don't let them read it!

To protect potential players from seeing spoilers, we've hidden it behind a role.

You cannot take the role if you're not logged in!

Cover image: Arcology Title by Hiive


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