Elemental Burn Condition in Etheriel | World Anvil

Elemental Burn


This condition is caused by magical backfire of fire magic that is mostly used by dragonknights. It occurs while the dragonknight is still in training due to the lack of knowledge if fire magic is performed without supervision or after graduation if the dragonknight overestimates their capability.


Elemental burn has internal and external symptoms with various degrees of manifestation.
External Symptoms
The external symptoms are apparent at first glance as there are severe burn wounds that won't heal for a long time as the magical fire will continue to burn through the body until the energy used for the spell is fully consumed. In addition to the burn wounds, possible external symptoms are itchiness, blistering, and in severe cases dying tissues.
Internal Symptoms
The most common internal symptom is dilated vessels, which can cause headaches and dizziness. The higher workload for the immune system causes fevers alongside feverish dreams and inflammation.


Until today there isn't a cure for elemental burn, which is why there are currently only symptomatical treatments.   Possible symptomatical treatments are:
Treatment Description
Cooling Bandages Helps to reduce the ongoing burning pain and itchiness
Anti Inflammatory Herbal Salves and Tinctures Cure, reduce and or prevent external and internal inflammation. Sometimes those treatments can also reduce the pain.
Herbal Pain Killer Either as a tincture, infusion, or tea to reduce pain without treating inflammation.
Cold Herbal Teas Counteract the water loss, treat the fever and cool the body from the inside.


Depending on the used spell and the severity of the elemental burn, the prognosis ranges from a mild course with residual burn scars to death.
Chronic, Acquired


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