Estemor History of Estemor Timeline
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History of Estemor

Civilization's Twilight

The period prior to the collapse of the Empire of Yora, signified by the beginning of the Saints' War.

  • Start Date Unknown
    Saints' War
    Era beginning/end

    Children of the Old Gods pass on forbidden knowledge to the Humans, allowing them to make their own fate. The Empire of Yora is torn apart in a war between the freed people backed by the Saints against those still loyal to the Old Gods.

    More reading
    Saints' War
  • Exact date unknown
    Fall of Yora
    Disaster / Destruction

    The last army of Yora falls in a devastating battle. Much of the fallen empire's accomplishments have been lost to war and time ushering in a dark age.

Longest Nightfall

Duration unknown.

The Empire of Yore fully collapses and the Saints' War ends, sending Estemor into a dark age for untold generations. Humans fracture into tribes and begin to worship opportunistic deities while other species begin to spread into the region.

  • Date Unknown
    Arrival of the Greenskins
    Population Migration / Travel

    Orcs migrating from the northern realms reach Estemor and resettle in the northeastern regions. By the time that the Dark Age ends, most evidence of large Orc settlements has disappeared with the exception of many mixed-heritage peoples across the realms.

  • Date Unknown
    Emergence of Tieflings
    Population Migration / Travel

    In tandem with the worship of rogue deities, the beings known as Tieflings begin to appear in Estemor. Some are born in this form while others are transformed through magic or other circumstances.

  • 40 BS

    5 BS

    The Journey of Amertus

    The hero Amertus departs Avalast with his cohort, guided by the Arch-Saint Milia on a lifelong journey across Estemor to unite the surviving humans and stray Saints behind a common banner.

  • 3 BS

    Amertus unites Estemor
    Gathering / Conference

    All of the surviving human settlements pledge their loyalty to Amertus. He begins to transition from an explorer to a proper lord.

Imperial Dawn

1 AS 650 AS

When the land of Estemor is united behind a new Emperor, the light of understanding returns to the realm.

  • 1 AS

    1 Praius

    Establishment of the Empire of Amertus

    With the blessing of Saint Milia, the great human Amertus is crowned as the new leader of a reformed government. Initially called the Empire of Estemor, it eventually comes to be named after its first ruling dynasty.

  • 25 AS

    Ascent of The Saints

    As the Saints begin to leave humanity to its fate, their teachings are studied and the Church of Saints is swiftly formed to ensure that they are not forgotten.

  • 102 AS

    107 AS

    1st Reconquest of Karelia
    Military action

    After several border incidents, Imperial forces invade the sections Karelian coastline that had been granted to Wild Elves living their since the aftermath of the Saints' War. The tribes eventually retreat and Imperial pioneers slowly reestablish settlements on the southeast coast.

  • 128 AS

    144 AS

    Yellow Pox
    Plague / Epidemic

    A deadly plague takes hold on Estemor, incorrectly thought to have come from Tuatha, the land of the Wild Elves. Much of the human population is afflicted. Even the Imperial Royal Family is taken by the illness, bringing an end to the Amertus dynasty. The Queen Mother's eldest brother, Alexios Marovus assumes the throne after serving as regent and working to dispel the sickness.

  • 146 AS

    192 AS

    The War of Purification
    Military action

    The Crimson Compact secedes from the Empire after it is discovered that their shadowy Tiefling leaders were responsible for the Yellow Pox. A long and bloody war is fought as Imperial forces struggle to invoke the holy powers needed to defeat the enemy.

    More reading
    War of Purification
  • 213 AS

    Marovus Accords
    Political event

    In order to more efficiently manage the continent, Emperor Telkus Marovus bestowed his most loyal subjects with the authority to more directly manage certain regions. The entire Empire is organized into five "Marches" known as Maximus, Hanenbau, Kainhold, Aloysia and Karelia.

  • 362 AS

    Archaeological Digs Begin
    Technological achievement

    The Emperor organizes the first state sponsored expedition into the ruins of the old Yoran capital, leading to a proliferation of various official research and investigations into the dead culture.

    More reading
    Fallen Empire of Yora
  • 403 AS

    First Academy Founded
    Gathering / Conference

    Members of the Archeologist's Guild found the first private institution dedicated to training students and enabling more efficient research into the study of the Fallen Empire. In time, the town of Arkenford becomes a bustling sister city to the Imperial capital itself.

  • 471 AS

    Solidus Reformation
    Religious event

    Archbishop Serrio Solidus begins plans to reintroduce the Old Gods into worship within the Empire. Though the Emperor supports the reform, the plan is met with outrage by nobles and clergy across Estemor.

  • 474 AS

    487 AS

    War of the Blue Rose

    The Imperial March of Aloysia, lead by House Dullac, revolts against the Empire in order to create their own Kingdom where worship of the Saints can continue without the Solidus Reforms.

    More reading
    War of The Blue Rose
  • 482 AS

    490 AS

    2nd Reconquest of Karelia
    Military action

    With civil war raging, Wild Elves crossing the Warden Peaks retake control of the eastern coastline. It is not until many years after the war that human forces can muster an army large enough to drive them back.

  • 487 AS

    15 Carius

    Establishment of the Principality of Dullac

    As part of the agreed upon peace treaty, House Dullac gains Independence over the northern portion of the Empire.

  • 543 AS

    556 AS

    Invasion of The Eagle & Spider
    Military action

    A massive elven army led by warlords of tribes Valys and Tura attempts to retake the holdings in Karelia by crossing the sea. Though the conflict is protracted, the invaders are eventually quelled by a strong resistance movement.   When the war ends, many of these holding are given to families established from among the resistance's leadership. Many elves chose to travel north rather than endure the shame of returning home.

  • 574 AS

    15 Sudoris

    Night of Black Glass
    Life, Death

    A league of elvish assassins conspires to slaughter King Godwin of Dullac, his wife and three sons. The regent council orders a mass hunt of the killers, causing citizenry across the Kingdom to take action against elven enclaves.

  • 580 AS

    Slave trade begins
    Political event

    Queen Glenna decrees that all elves of Dullac are now the property of their land owners.

  • 595 AS

    Inquisition Established
    Political event

    In order to better curb the threat of foreign espionage, the Emperor discretely forms an organization with broad powers to investigate, prosecute and punish any and all seditious or traitorous actors. Its existence is made public within a few years after several nobles are arrested for taking part in various illegal activities.

    More reading
    Imperial Inquisition
  • 602 AS

    Return of the Greenskins
    Population Migration / Travel

    Orcs, a long presumed dead race from the north, begin to arrive in boats to wage war on coastal towns. Ultimately, the raiders were not equipped to stand against the proper armies of Dullac and they splinter and begin to migrate across Estemor.

  • 607 AS

    Contact with Falida
    Cultural event

    Expeditions to islands off the coast of Estemor lead to contact with humanoid cultures belonging to a far off land known as Falida. Trade between these regions slowly builds at ports on the eastern cities of the Empire.

    More reading
  • 640 AS

    649 AS

    War of Shackles
    Military action

    The Principality invades the eastern Empire in order to again access to the Warden Peaks, enslave more elves and control trade with the outside cultures. The local armies unexpectedly repel Dullac's forces before the proper Amertusian military can arrive. They use this opportunity to rebel against the Empire, leading to a prolonged three-way conflict.   Ultimately, the war ends with Amertus ceding control of the southeast to their local rules in exchanged for a unifed force to push back Dullac's army once and for all.

    More reading
    War of Shackles
  • 650 AS

    13 Florius

    Establishment of Republic of Karelia

    For their participation in driving back Dullac, the Empire reluctantly grants Karelia its independence. The holdings are now ruled by an allegiance of noble families and wealthy merchants that control various holdings.


Three Skies

651 AS and beyond

With the Empire fractured into three sizable powers, the cultural divisions of Estemor begin to settle.

  • 652 AS

    705 AS

    The War of Pretenders

    With House Dullac's line of succession in chaos, a turbulent period of infighting over the crown begins. After decades of conflict and several failed leaders, House Vaughn manages to bring peace and stability to the Principality.

  • 662 AS

    Liberati Declaration
    Gathering / Conference

    A secret society dedicated to abolition of slavery and racial equality for elves makes their first public declaration.

  • 673 AS

    Dwarf Deportations Begin
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Dwarven Kingdoms, eternally isolated and shrouded in legend, begin to send groups of their kind across the northern waters into Estemor. Though these dwarves admit to having been exiled from their homeland, little is learned of the place. These dwarves now roam, unwilling or unable to settle in the human lands.

  • 685 AS

    689 AS

    Electorate's Rebellion
    Military action

    Emperor Rudiger Karstein changes succession laws in the Empire, limiting the power of many noble houses. Some protest, while others take up arms against the Emperor, who quells the rebellion with his house's own forces rather than the Imperial Army. Some rebel houses flee to the Republic in the aftermath.

  • 710 AS

    725 AS

    Holy Orders Proliferate
    Religious event

    Many of the most notable military orders of the Church of Saints are founded during this period, serving to protect Dullacan lands and drive away outside threats and monsters.

    More reading
    Holy Orders
  • 760 AS

    The Reawakening Begins
    Cultural event

    Emperor Leopold van Siegen's efforts to reform Amertus bear fruit as restored Yorian technology begins to rapidly improve the lives of Imperial citizens. All aspects of Imperial government and culture are subject to reevaluation as the desire to embrace classical antiquity leads to steady, but substantial change over time.

  • 903 AS

    905 AS

    Insurrection of The Chain
    Military action

    Nobles from houses across all three nations of Estemor are implicated in a plot to overthrow the Emperor of Amertus, leading to various skirmishes across the continent in an attempt to round up the vast web of agents. By the time that the conspiracy is defeated, all three nations find an uneasy peace.