Waterfall Trading Post Settlement in Erthos | World Anvil

Waterfall Trading Post

A small trading post that lay in the Wilds. It has formed around the tavern, Shieldwall Tavern, and so far only contains a few families. The families live in relative harmony and peace due to the fact that Archmage Sharreph runs the tavern.   It lies just by a small inlet of the Jade River. lush farm lands lie around it where the families farm to feed themselves. A blacksmith has set up a small forge and trades with the farmers and traveling merchants in exchange for all he needs.  


  Archmage Sharreph    Jurrom the Blacksmith   Heidi Arbor: The medicine woman who resides on the outskirts of the town.


all humans, they do not have much in the terms of wealth but they live comfortably.


The trading post's only form of government is Archmage Sharreph. What he decides is taken as the closest thing to law. If there is a dispute among neighbors they often go to him seeking advice.


The archmage is a significant defense, having him present has deterred any raiders who would attack.

Industry & Trade

Most of the families are farmers. Archmage Sharreph does trade his potions and alcoholic concoctions to traveling merchants.   Jurrom the Blacksmith, often does work in exchange for food. When merchants travel through the area he often trades for precious metals, and iron for his forge.


Forge trades various blacksmithing goods for food with the farms and with the tavern.


Food, Arcane implements


Archmage Sherraph came to the Wilds after retiring and began constructing a home to live in peace. After a year, word spread among the caravans that he kept a hospital home and brewed fine mead. A group of settlers from Castle Sirather found their way to the land and asked him if they could settle with him.   At first, Sherraph was against it and wanted to live in isolation; The group continued but were attacked by a tribe of hobs. Sherraph came to their aid and realized it was his duty to protect others and so he allowed them to settle in the area.


Some people do travel to the trading post just to stay at the Shieldwall Tavern.


The land in this area is fertile from the proximity to Jade River but it is incredibly hilly and rocky. During the spring months the river does flood.
Founding Date
Location under

Articles under Waterfall Trading Post