High Elven culture Ethnicity in Erthas | World Anvil

High Elven culture (高白種, Kōbyakushu)

High Elven culture, also known as the Kōbyakushu, encompasses a proud and refined civilization deeply rooted in the northern regions of Ausalon. With a heritage dating back thousands of years, the High Elves have developed a culture characterized by their pursuit of knowledge, artistic mastery, and profound connection to the natural world.   As a proud and self-assured culture, the High Elves possess a distinct sense of identity and heritage. They take great pride in their accomplishments and their history, viewing themselves as guardians of their traditions and custodians of the knowledge they have acquired over the ages.   See High Elf


Culture and cultural heritage

The culture of the High Elves is characterized by a strong sense of pride and an imperialistic drive rooted in their allegiance to the Ryuushu, the dragons. Their cultural heritage revolves around the pursuit of knowledge, mastery, and a deep desire to both teach and influence other cultures throughout the world of Erthas.   The High Elves take immense pride in their accomplishments and strive for excellence in various aspects of life. They value wisdom, intellect, and the pursuit of knowledge, viewing education and learning as fundamental to their cultural identity. High Elves often hold esteemed positions as scholars, sages, and advisors due to their exceptional intellect and deep understanding of various subjects.   Imperialistic in nature, the High Elves exhibit a zeal to both teach and master the cultures of other races and civilizations. They believe in the superiority of their own culture and view it as their responsibility to guide and shape the world according to their vision. This imperialistic drive is closely tied to their loyalty to the Ryuushu, as they consider themselves the guardians and agents of the dragons' will.   In their interactions with other cultures, the High Elves often assert their influence through diplomatic means, offering their knowledge and guidance to assist in the development and advancement of other societies. Their cultural heritage inspires a sense of authority and a desire to spread their values, beliefs, and ways of life beyond their own borders.   Art, literature, and music play vital roles in High Elven culture, serving as mediums for expression, cultural preservation, and storytelling. Their artistic works often reflect their reverence for nature, their connection to the mystical realms, and their rich mythology. High Elven literature and music encompass grand epics, philosophical treatises, and haunting melodies that capture the essence of their proud and imperialistic cultural heritage.   While the High Elves exhibit a strong sense of cultural identity and an imperialistic drive, it's important to note that not all individuals within the Kōbyakushu share the same perspectives or ideologies. Variations in beliefs, values, and aspirations exist, and individuals may navigate their roles within High Elven society in unique ways.

Common Dress code

High Elves often favor flowing, regal garments made from luxurious fabrics such as silks, satins, and fine linens. Their clothing is designed to accentuate their graceful movements and create a sense of ethereal beauty. Elaborate embroidery, intricate patterns, and delicate embellishments are commonly incorporated into their attire, showcasing their appreciation for artistry and aesthetics.   High Elves are known to wear long, sweeping robes or tunics that drape gracefully over their forms. These garments are often adorned with intricate designs inspired by nature, celestial motifs, or symbolic representations of their cultural heritage. Colors can vary, but rich jewel tones, such as deep blues, purples, and vibrant greens, are frequently favored, reflecting their affinity for the natural world and mystical elements.   Accessories play an important role in High Elven fashion. They may adorn themselves with finely crafted jewelry, including delicate necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and rings. These pieces are often crafted from precious metals and adorned with gemstones, further accentuating their beauty and status.   High Elves also pay meticulous attention to their grooming and presentation. Their hair, often worn long and flowing, is treated with care and adorned with intricate braids, ribbons, or jeweled hairpieces. Their skin is kept radiant and youthful, contributing to their overall enchanting appearance.

Art & Architecture

Art and architecture hold significant importance within High Elven culture, reflecting their refined sensibilities and deep reverence for craftsmanship. The High Elves are known for their preference for building with stone, creating structures that combine both utilitarian and artistic elements.   In architecture, the High Elves often craft grand edifices with meticulous attention to detail. Their structures embody a harmonious blend of functionality and beauty. Temples, in particular, hold a prominent place in High Elven architecture. These sacred spaces are designed to evoke a sense of awe and reverence, incorporating intricate carvings, elegant arches, and ornate facades. Elaborate motifs inspired by nature, celestial beings, and mythical creatures often adorn the exteriors, conveying a sense of divine presence.   Alongside their sacred architecture, the High Elves are also known for their construction of ominous castles. These fortresses exude an air of mystique and power, with imposing facades, towering spires, and sturdy stone walls. While the castles may appear foreboding to outsiders, they are a testament to the High Elves' ability to create formidable defensive structures.   Artistry is highly valued among the High Elves, and their artistic expressions encompass a range of mediums. They excel in sculpting, carving intricate reliefs, and creating detailed mosaics. These artworks often depict scenes from mythology, natural wonders, or significant historical events. The High Elves' mastery of craftsmanship is evident in their ability to imbue stone with life, creating awe-inspiring works that stand the test of time.

Foods & Cuisine

The culinary traditions of the High Elves, known as the Kōbyakushu, are influenced by the fertile lands they inhabit and their resourceful approach to sustenance. Their cuisine revolves around the utilization of locally available ingredients, including wheat, millet, noodles, and wild game.   Wheat and millet form the staple grains of the High Elven diet. These grains are cultivated and transformed into various forms such as bread, pastries, and porridges. High Elves are skilled bakers, producing an array of bread and pastry varieties that showcase their craftsmanship and attention to detail. From hearty loaves to delicate pastries filled with fruits or savory ingredients, their baked goods are often enjoyed during communal meals or special occasions.   Noodles are also a significant component of High Elven cuisine. They are made from wheat or other grains and come in various shapes and sizes, from thin and delicate strands to thick and chewy varieties. Noodle dishes, often prepared with flavorful broths and accompanied by vegetables, herbs, and tender cuts of wild game, provide nourishment and comfort.   Wild game, sourced from the forests and meadows of their lands, holds a prominent place in High Elven cuisine. The High Elves are skilled hunters, and their culinary traditions celebrate the flavors and textures of venison, boar, rabbit, and other wild animals. Game meats are often prepared through methods such as roasting, grilling, or slow braising, incorporating aromatic herbs and spices to enhance the natural flavors.   In addition to wheat, millet, noodles, and wild game, High Elven cuisine also embraces the bounty of nature. Fruits, vegetables, and herbs gathered from their surroundings find their way into dishes, adding freshness and vibrant flavors to meals. The High Elves' close connection to the natural world is reflected in their utilization of seasonal produce and their appreciation for the diverse flavors and textures it provides.   Overall, High Elven cuisine embodies a harmonious blend of nourishment, craftsmanship, and an appreciation for the bountiful resources of their lands. It reflects their resourcefulness, culinary expertise, and deep-rooted connection to nature.
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