High Elf Species in Erthas | World Anvil

High Elf (高白種, Kōbyakushu)

The High Elves are a Human subspecies centered in northern Ausalon, but have a wide diaspora in settlements and regions throughout the continent. Originally of Elven stock, the Kōbyakushu have been altered and bred by the Ryūshu to serve as highly capable warriors and administrators throughout the lands they rule.   They have a distinct appearance in that their multicolored hair, often worn long, ripples from red to blue and the various shades of purple in between. Their eyes feature a similar mix of colors. High Elves are very long lived, with many born during the early years of the First Age being still alive by the end. Despite this, their faces do not age past their middle teenage years, causing many unwary folk to underestimate them in encounters. Otherwise, their appearance is not different from that of other Elves.

Basic Information


The anatomy and morphology of the High Elves exhibit distinct features that set them apart from other ethnic groups. Their physical attributes reflect their unique heritage and contribute to their exceptional abilities and longevity.   In terms of general appearance, High Elves possess a similar physique to other humans but are statistically shorter in height and limb length compared to other ethnic groups inhabiting the continent of Ausalon. They have well-proportioned bodies with graceful movements, reflecting their agility and nimbleness.   One notable characteristic of High Elves is their pale white skin, which gives them their name. Their skin tone sets them apart, as it contrasts with the complexion of other populations dwelling in more southerly regions. This distinctive feature is a result of their adaptation to the colder climates and environments in which they traditionally reside.   Facially, High Elves have sharp and narrow features. Their faces are characterized by finely sculpted cheekbones, elegantly arched eyebrows, and slender noses. They possess straight black hair that often flows gracefully, framing their faces. However, the most striking aspect of High Elven features lies in their eyes. While most individuals have dark eye colors, the High Elves, particularly the Kōbyakushu, exhibit a unique blend of red, blue, and violet hues in both their hair and eye colors. This vibrant blend adds an enchanting touch to their appearance.   An intriguing aspect of High Elves is their longevity. They have an extended lifespan, with some individuals born during the early years of the First Age still alive by its end. Despite their long lives, High Elves do not visibly age beyond their middle teenage years, a characteristic that often leads others to underestimate their wisdom and capabilities.   It is important to note that variations in physical attributes can exist among individuals within the Kōbyakushu. While there are common features that define their overall appearance, High Elves, like any other ethnic group, exhibit diversity and unique characteristics within their population.

Biological Traits

High elves exhibit several distinctive biological traits that set them apart from other ethnic groups:   Pale Skin: High Elves have pale white skin, which gives them their name. This lighter complexion is an adaptation to the colder climates in which they traditionally reside.   Height and Limb Length: High Elves are statistically shorter in height and limb length compared to other ethnic groups inhabiting Ausalon. This shorter stature contributes to their agility and nimbleness.   Facial Features: High Elves possess sharp and narrow facial features. They often have finely sculpted cheekbones, elegantly arched eyebrows, and slender noses. Their facial structure gives them a refined and graceful appearance.   Eye and Hair Color: High Elves have unique eye and hair colors. While most individuals have dark eye colors, the High Elves exhibit a distinct blend of red, blue, and violet hues in both their hair and eye colors. This vibrant combination adds an enchanting touch to their appearance.   Longevity: High Elves have an extended lifespan, living significantly longer than humans. Many High Elves born during the early years of the First Age can still be alive by its end. Despite their long lives, they do not visibly age past their middle teenage years.   Youthful Appearance: High Elves maintain a youthful appearance throughout their extended lifespans. Their faces do not visibly age, causing others to underestimate their wisdom and capabilities.   These biological traits, combined with their cultural and societal characteristics, contribute to the unique identity of the High Elves

Genetics and Reproduction

In the realm of genetics and reproduction, High Elves follow a similar pattern to humans. They reproduce through sexual reproduction, engaging in intimate relationships and producing offspring through the union of male and female individuals.   However, High Elves possess a unique characteristic tied to their magical nature. The act of reproduction, while a natural process, can weaken their inherent magical power. Similar to dragons, High Elves experience a reduction in their magical abilities when engaging in reproductive activities.   When a High Elf mates with another High Elf or a human, the resulting offspring is known as a Half-Elf. Half-Elves inherit a blend of characteristics from both parents but do not inherently possess the distinct traits and magical nature of the High Elves. To unlock their true potential and gain access to the magical heritage of their High Elven lineage, Half-Elves must undergo the Ryūchigishiki, also known as the Rite of Dragonblood.   The Ryūchigishiki is a transformative rite that taps into the ancient power of the dragons, infusing the Half-Elf with the essence of dragonblood. Through this rite, the Half-Elf gains access to the magical abilities and characteristics associated with the High Elves. It is a pivotal moment in their lives, marking their transition into full-fledged members of the High Elven community.   It is important to note that the genetic traits and hereditary factors of the High Elves, including their magical abilities, can be passed down to future generations through the Ryūchigishiki and the continuation of High Elven bloodlines. The interplay between genetics and magical heritage plays a significant role in shaping the High Elven population and maintaining their distinct characteristics.

Growth Rate & Stages

The growth rate and stages of High Elves follow a similar trajectory to that of humans, albeit with a few notable distinctions influenced by their unique heritage.   Infancy: High Elf infants experience a period of rapid growth and development during their first few years of life. They exhibit the typical milestones of human infants, such as learning to crawl, walk, and speak. However, High Elves tend to reach these milestones slightly earlier compared to humans.   Childhood: During childhood, High Elves continue to grow physically and mentally. They receive education and guidance from their families and communities, focusing on intellectual pursuits, artistic expression, and the development of magical potential. High Elf children often demonstrate an inherent curiosity and a desire to explore the world around them.   Adolescence: The adolescent stage marks a crucial period of transition and self-discovery for High Elves. Their bodies undergo further physical development, including the maturation of secondary sexual characteristics. It is during this stage that their magical abilities start to manifest and become more pronounced. They may undergo training and mentorship to refine their skills and harness their innate potential. It is usually during this time that the rite of Ryūchigishiki is performed.   Adulthood: High Elves reach adulthood in their late teens or early twenties, although they maintain a youthful appearance throughout their extended lifespans. At this stage, they have acquired a substantial amount of knowledge and expertise in various fields of study. They may choose to specialize in specific disciplines, such as magic, art, or scholarly pursuits, reflecting their individual interests and aspirations.   Maturity and Aging: High Elves age at a significantly slower rate than humans, allowing them to retain their youthful appearances well into their later years. While they continue to accumulate wisdom and experience, their physical appearance does not visibly reflect the passing of time. High Elves can live for centuries, with some individuals born during the early years of the First Age still alive by its end.   It is worth noting that the progression through these stages is influenced by various factors, including individual circumstances, cultural traditions, and access to education and training. Additionally, the Ryūchigishiki, the Rite of Dragonblood, marks a pivotal moment in a Half-Elf's life, transitioning them from their hybrid state to fully-fledged High Elves and potentially impacting their growth trajectory and magical potential.


The behavior and psychology of High Elves are characterized by their haughty, proud, and somewhat imperious nature. Their cultural heritage and their close ties to the Ryuushu, the dragons, contribute to their distinct behavioral patterns and psychological traits.   Pride and Arrogance: High Elves possess a strong sense of pride in their heritage, accomplishments, and cultural superiority. They view themselves as a refined and elevated race, often considering other cultures as inferior or lacking in comparison. This pride can manifest as a haughty demeanor and a certain level of arrogance, which may be perceived as condescension by those from different backgrounds.   Paternal Imperiousness: The High Elves, driven by their cultural traditions and their connection to the Ryuushu, often adopt a paternalistic approach when dealing with other cultures. They perceive themselves as guardians and mentors, feeling a sense of duty to guide and teach other civilizations. This imperious behavior can stem from their belief in their superior knowledge and understanding.   Knowledge-Minded: High Elves have a deep appreciation for knowledge and intellectual pursuits. They dedicate themselves to the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge, becoming scholars, administrators, and skilled builders. Their commitment to scholarship and the pursuit of wisdom is reflected in their vast libraries, academies, and centers of learning.   Building, Administration, and Military Matters: High Elves excel in the fields of architecture, administration, and military strategies. Their inherent intelligence, attention to detail, and affinity for disciplined order make them skilled builders and administrators. They take pride in constructing grand structures and organizing efficient systems of governance. Additionally, they have a strong military tradition, with their strategic prowess and disciplined armies earning them a formidable reputation.   It is important to note that while these behavioral and psychological traits are prevalent within High Elven culture, individual variations can exist among the population. Not all High Elves conform to these stereotypes, and some may possess more nuanced perspectives or exhibit behaviors that deviate from the norm.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The social structure of High Elves is hierarchical and organized, reflecting their strong cultural traditions and reverence for authority. Their society is characterized by a structured system that emphasizes status, order, and the preservation of their ancient heritage.   At the top of the social hierarchy are the dragon-lords, powerful individuals who hold significant influence and authority. These dragon-lords, also known as the Ryuujin, are considered the pinnacle of High Elven society. They govern and rule over specific domains and are responsible for the well-being and administration of their territories.   Below the dragon-lords are the noble families, who hold positions of power and privilege within High Elven society. These families often trace their lineage back to esteemed ancestors and possess ancestral lands and resources. They play important roles in governance, administration, and cultural preservation.   Beneath the noble families are the common High Elves, who form the majority of the population. They engage in various professions, such as artisans, scholars, warriors, and merchants, contributing to the overall functioning of High Elven society. While they may not hold as much authority as the noble families, they still adhere to the cultural norms and customs set by the higher ranks.   Respect for hierarchy, tradition, and ancestral heritage is deeply ingrained in High Elven society. They place great importance on maintaining order and stability, ensuring the preservation of their culture and the ideals of the Ryuushu. High Elves exhibit a strong sense of duty and loyalty to their leaders, valuing the guidance and wisdom provided by the dragon-lords.   It is worth noting that within this social structure, individual talent, skill, and achievement can also lead to recognition and advancement. High Elves who display exceptional abilities or make significant contributions to their society may earn respect and rise in status, regardless of their initial social standing.

Facial characteristics

High Elves possess distinct facial characteristics and features that contribute to their unique appearance. While there can be individual variations, the following traits are commonly associated with High Elven facial attributes:   Sharp and Narrow Features: High Elves typically have sharp and narrow facial features, including slender noses, well-defined cheekbones, and angular jawlines. Their facial structure often exhibits an elegant and refined aesthetic.   Delicate and Graceful Expressions: High Elves are known for their subtle and graceful expressions. Their facial movements and gestures tend to be refined and controlled, reflecting a sense of poise and sophistication.   Elongated Eyes: High Elves often have almond-shaped eyes, slightly elongated compared to other ethnic groups. Their eyes are typically dark in color, although the Kōbyakushu High Elves exhibit a distinct blend of red, blue, and violet hues.   Arched Eyebrows: High Elves frequently have naturally arched eyebrows that complement the contours of their faces. These elegantly shaped eyebrows contribute to their overall aesthetic and can enhance their facial expressions.   Fine and Smooth Complexion: High Elves are known for their fair and smooth complexion, which further emphasizes their ethereal and otherworldly beauty. Their skin often has a natural radiance, giving them a youthful and vibrant appearance.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

High Elves are primarily concentrated in the northern and western regions of Ausalon. Their geographic distribution spans across various territories, with their settlements and communities often found in areas characterized by colder climates and boreal forests.   Specifically, High Elves are commonly found in regions such as Kōkoku in northwest Ausalon, which serves as a seat of power for the northern Ryūshu. Other areas where High Elves have established significant presence include the northern reaches of the continent, extending towards the Arctic Circle.   While the majority of High Elves reside in their traditional territories, they also have a wide diaspora throughout Ausalon. High Elven settlements and outposts can be found in different regions, either as autonomous enclaves or integrated within larger cities and cultural centers.   The geographic distribution of High Elves reflects their connection to their ancestral lands, their affinity for colder environments, and their historical ties to the Ryūshu and the northern Ryūshu dominions.

Average Intelligence

High Elves are generally considered to possess above-average intelligence. Their culture places a strong emphasis on knowledge, scholarship, and intellectual pursuits, fostering an environment that values and promotes intellectual growth.   High Elves have a natural curiosity and thirst for learning, which contributes to their high intelligence. They dedicate themselves to the acquisition of knowledge, studying various fields of expertise and engaging in scholarly pursuits. Their long lifespans also provide ample time for continued learning and the accumulation of wisdom.   Furthermore, their connection to the Ryūshu, the dragons, and their exposure to the dragons' vast knowledge and ancient wisdom contribute to the development of their intellectual capabilities.   It is important to note that intelligence can manifest in different forms and encompasses a wide range of cognitive abilities. While High Elves may generally display above-average intelligence, individual variations within the population can exist, with some individuals excelling in specific areas of expertise or demonstrating exceptional intellectual prowess.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The High Elves possess remarkable perception and sensory capabilities that contribute to their exceptional abilities and their deep connection to the world around them. While their sensory abilities are not inherently extrasensory, they are finely attuned and keenly developed.   Visual Perception: High Elves have sharp vision and acute attention to detail. Their eyes, often featuring a unique blend of colors, allow them to discern subtle nuances in their surroundings. They have an exceptional ability to perceive changes in light and color, which aids them not only in their artistic endeavors but also on the battlefield.   Auditory Perception: High Elves possess keen hearing, able to detect even the most subtle of sounds. They are attuned to the melodies of nature, the whispers of the wind, and the rustling of leaves. This heightened auditory perception allows them to appreciate music, discern patterns, and engage in communication with great clarity.   Tactile Sensitivity: High Elves have a heightened sense of touch, enabling them to discern textures, temperatures, and subtle vibrations. This sensitivity allows them to appreciate the craftsmanship of their artworks, create intricate designs, and excel in delicate tasks that require precision and attention to detail.   Intuition and Empathy: While not necessarily extrasensory, High Elves often possess a strong sense of intuition and empathy. They are perceptive when it comes to understanding the emotions and intentions of others, making them skilled diplomats, advisors, and commanders. This heightened empathy allows them to form deep connections and foster harmony within their communities and their troops.   Many High Elves have developed an attunement to the arcane fields that permeate the world. While they possess a natural sensitivity to these mystical energies, it is through their connection to their draconic masters that they can further enhance and maintain this heightened sense.   The High Elves, with their inherent magical potential, are capable of perceiving and interacting with the arcane forces that flow through the fabric of reality. This sensitivity allows them to detect fluctuations, disturbances, and the subtle presence of magic within their surroundings. It grants them an advantage in the study and practice of arcane arts, as they can harness and manipulate these energies with greater precision.   However, the High Elves often rely on their connection to the Ryuushu, the dragons, to sustain and amplify their arcane sensitivity. The dragons, as ancient and powerful beings, possess a deep understanding of magic and its intricate workings. They often serve as mentors and guardians to the High Elves, nurturing their magical abilities and sharing their wisdom of the arcane arts, as much as their masters and lieges.   Through their service with the Ryuushu, the High Elves receive guidance and teachings that allow them to refine their magical senses. They learn to discern the subtle fluctuations of magical energies, identify mystical artifacts, and perceive the presence of otherworldly beings. This symbiotic relationship between the High Elves and the dragons ensures the preservation and development of their magical sensitivity.   It is worth noting that not all High Elves possess the same level of arcane sensitivity, and the extent of their abilities can vary among individuals. Some may display exceptional talent and attunement to the arcane, while others may have a more moderate level of sensitivity. The degree of their connection to the dragons and their training in the arcane arts also influence the extent of their abilities.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

High Elves, known as the Kōbyakushu, have attained a notable level of technological advancement, particularly in the realms of craftsmanship, architecture, and magic. Their technological achievements reflect their dedication to knowledge, innovation, and a desire for excellence.   In terms of craftsmanship, High Elves are skilled artisans, renowned for their fine metalwork, intricate jewelry, and exquisite textiles. They have mastered the art of shaping metals, such as gold, silver, bronze, iron, and even steel, into intricate designs and adornments. Their textiles are known for their high quality, intricate patterns, and luxurious materials.   Architecture is another domain in which High Elves excel. They have developed sophisticated techniques for constructing grand structures, characterized by graceful arches, ornate carvings, and intricate details. Elven cities often feature magnificent temples, awe-inspiring palaces, and imposing fortresses, showcasing their mastery in architectural design.   Magic plays a significant role in High Elven society, and their understanding and utilization of magical arts have reached advanced levels. High Elves have developed intricate spells, rituals, and enchantments, harnessing the arcane energies to accomplish a range of purposes. Their magical prowess extends to healing, divination, elemental manipulation, and other arcane disciplines.   While High Elves have achieved significant technological advancements in various fields, their focus is often more on craftsmanship, magic, and cultural pursuits rather than scientific and industrial progress. Their society values the preservation of tradition, the pursuit of beauty, and the mastery of magical arts, which guide their technological endeavors.


The history of the High Elves spans thousands of years and is deeply intertwined with the broader history of Ausalon. As one of the oldest ethnic groups in the region, their Elven origins can be traced back to the early settlement of Ausalon during the last glacial period, approximately 7000 years before the beginning of the First Age.   The Elves migrated from the west, crossing vast landscapes and establishing themselves as the first inhabitants of Ausalon. Over time, they adapted to the diverse environments of the continent, developing a deep connection with the land and its natural resources.   The First Age dawned with the creation of the first High Elves, a momentous event orchestrated by the Dragons. From the local Elven hunter-gatherers, the Dragons crafted the High Elves, imbuing them with unique attributes and a destiny intertwined with the fate of Ausalon.   During the First Age, the High Elves flourished and formed numerous tribes or nations, each with its own distinct language and cultural practices. They encountered other races and civilizations, engaging in both trade and occasional conflicts. The High Elves, with their advanced knowledge and sophisticated societies, were often viewed as beacons of civilization and wisdom.   Their close relationship with the dragon-lords, the Ryuujin, played a crucial role in shaping High Elven history. The Ryuujin had a profound impact on High Elven culture, offering guidance, protection, and sometimes imposing their will upon the High Elves. The dragon-lords elevated the High Elves, breeding and altering them to serve as capable warriors and administrators in the realms they ruled.   Throughout the ages, the High Elves maintained their cultural traditions, focusing on knowledge, building, administration, and military matters. Their cities boasted grand architecture, awe-inspiring temples, and foreboding castles. The High Elves took pride in their advancements and often displayed an imperialistic attitude, seeking to teach and master the cultures of other races in service to the Ryuujin.   As time passed, the High Elves faced various challenges and conflicts. They engaged in occasional wars with dragons, other races, and even among themselves. These conflicts shaped their history and tested their resilience.   By the end of the First Age, cataclysmic events unfolded that brought about significant changes to Ausalon and its inhabitants. The Great Burning and the subsequent destruction marked the conclusion of the First Age, leaving a transformed landscape and a new era awaiting the High Elves and the other races of Ausalon.   The history of the High Elves is a tapestry woven with triumphs, struggles, and the pursuit of knowledge and power. Their story continues to unfold in the ever-changing world of Ausalon, leaving a lasting impact on the realms they inhabit.   If you have any specific inquiries or would like to delve deeper into a particular aspect of High Elven history, please feel free to let me know.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Interspecies relations among the High Elves, known as the Kōbyakushu, are characterized by their elevated position within the hierarchy of human cultures. They serve as a distinguished military and priestly caste, regarded as a privileged elite second only to the godlike dragon-lords, the Ryuujin, who hold supreme authority over all races as divine beings.   The High Elves, with their advanced knowledge, refined skills, and innate magical abilities, occupy a position of power and influence among the human populations. They often assume roles as administrators, advisors, and enforcers of the dragon-lords' will, maintaining order and upholding the Ryuujin's divine rule.   Within this framework, High Elves enjoy a position of relative superiority and influence over other human cultures. They are granted privileges and responsibilities that set them apart from the general populace, acting as intermediaries between the Ryuujin and the human population.   It is important to note that the relationship between the High Elves and other human cultures is multifaceted and can vary. While High Elves may hold a position of authority and serve as conduits of the Ryuujin's power, interactions with other cultures can involve elements of cooperation, cooperation, or even tensions and conflicts arising from power dynamics and differing interests.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Average Height
1.52 - 1.83 m
Average Weight
50 - 80 kg
Average Physique
strong, agile, lean
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
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