Vampirism Condition in Ersetu in the Age of Heroes | World Anvil


Vampirism is a blood disease that may or may not result in death and reanimation as a Vampire or a Vext.

Transmission & Vectors

Vampirism is transferred through the ingestion of the blood of a vampire, and occasionally a weaker infection through a bite.


An initial infection resembles the effects of chronic blood loss; paleness, fatigue, depression, anxiety, fever, edema, anemia, light sensitivity, aquaphobia, and dehydration.   These symptoms either improve or worsen in a few days. If they worsen, eventually spontaneous bleeding and hemophilia will result.


Treatment is simply to feed the afflicted with rare meat, keep them warm and keep them hydrated. Antifungal treatments like garlic and liquor commonly help.


Most healthy people recover from an infection of Vampirism in a few days. In cases where the Vampire regularly drains the victim over the course of months, their immune system becomes compromised by the regular blood loss.   Victims who are compromised eventually die. If they die with a severe infection, the condition infests the soil of their grave and they eventually rise again as a Vampire. If they are not buried in soil but are instead left in the open air, such as in a crypt, peat bog or sepulcher, the body withers but is preserved, waiting for blood to activate it. If such an event does happen, it rises instead as a Vext.


Psychological effects after a bout of Vampirism can resemble withdrawals. Cravings for the disease and anxiety can persist for months.
Extremely Rare
Affected Species


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