Ranchers' Guild Organization in Ereza | World Anvil

Ranchers' Guild

The Ranchers Guild falls under the guilds controlled by the House of the Loam, one of the triumvirate that leads the Rena Government. House of the Loam oversees all commerce guilds that make a living from the land. The Ranchers' Guild is an offshoot of the older Herders' Guild; the split occurred naturally due to geography a difference in support needs.  

Member Benefits

The Guild has permanent facilities in the coastal cow-towns of Vacudad and Toreblo to support the cattle trade. In late spring through early fall ranchers in the plains of southern Rena drive market age cattle to the coastal towns for sale. The Ranchers' Guild purchases the cattle, processes the animals, and resells their parts to other guilds, merchants, craftspeople, and shipping concerns. The profits made on the sale of the processed animals are held in a guild fund. The fund exists to help members through difficult times such as drought or storm damage. The fund can also be used to hire posses in the event of increased rustler activity.   There are additional guild facility in the capital, Cacumen, with lodging for visiting members and offices for the guild leaders. Guild leaders in the capital petition the House of the Loam to keep member concerns as a high priority for the council.  

Guild Leadership

Leadership is comprised of four elected officials: one Guild Master and three Organizers. They are all three year terms and elected from the membership. Organizers oversee the three facilities while the Guild Master focuses on member needs and petitioning the House.

Head 'em up, move 'em out

Guild, Professional
Predecessor Organization
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by Alicyn


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