Duchy of Colna Organization in Eotha | World Anvil

Duchy of Colna

The Duchy of Colna is the smallest duchy in Wyrthanhaal With less than half the population of any other province. The inhabitants of Colna are among the most hardy in the kingdom with a high proportion of half-orcs. Colna is also has the only reliable source of iron.


Colna has a monopoly on iron in northern Nythlaang, dwarven holds often strike seams of iron but rarely more than meets their own needs.

Demography and Population

Colna has a population of 89,000 and the highest number of half-orcs per capita in Nythlaang, almost one in ten individuals are half-orcs and Duke Brachinthyd is himself a half-orc.
Geopolitical, Duchy
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Platinum Standard
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations


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