Session 23: Uncannily Interesting in Eorin 5e | World Anvil
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Session 23: Uncannily Interesting

I awoke to a note, a set of armour, thirty gold, and a task.   I was to catch up to my friends.   It took several days of a hard pace – and I'd almost given up hope when a rainstorm came and slowed me down to a near halt. However, my people – or at least, what I'd thought were my people – came to me. I gained a new companion in the form of Eru'khar, a trusted Auroch mount that allowed me to gallop towards my companions.   I arrived at Astrelh's temple, and reunited with my friends. We went out for celebrations, libations and a catch-up, during which I was informed about their current goal – go to Catun, and confront an individual named the Worm. I was more than happy to do so, as this fiend was apparently linked to the kidnappings we'd spent so much blood and life to combat.   We went out for drinks at the local tavern, where we talked to a bartender named Rolf, who was – quite frankly – uncannily interesting. He hadn't heard of a green seeker passing through town, which was disappointing, but I understood it was a long shot.   We made plans for the morrow – visit the bank, resupply, and attempt to establish a journey to Catun. Before I went to bed, I purged the alcohol in my system and attempted to find solace within the clan-spirit, only to discover it wasn't... necessarily the spirit of my clan. Yes, there were dragonborn there – but there were also many others.   This has given me an immeasurable amount to think about. I wish I could go home and see Mother again, she'd know what this means.   Astrelh and I awoke bright and early, sparring with some of his kin in the courtyard. It felt good to train as a warrior again, even if their techniques differed, the philosophies were the same.   Then I and Nyral proceeded to attempt to seek out some equipment. We encountered a dead body with a mysterious lack of wounds, and we also encountered Astrelh's brother. Despite being suspected of the crime, Astrelh's brother – who it was revealed worked for the duke – understood that we were mere bystanders to the sorry affair.   He seemed to think it was simply old age or drink that caused the man's death, but nothing's ever that simple when dark forces are afoot. I must remain vigilant.   He kindly redirected us to a better area to gain equipment, and to speak to a dwarf named Redforge. There, I was able to retrieve more javelins and pawn off my mail for a paltry sum.   We resolved to meet with Astrelh and Iza at the eastern docks, to secure passage, inquire after Iza's previous crew, and seek passage to Catun.


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