Shinnou '親王' / Shinnouhi - '親王妃' Rank/Title in Enies - Adder Galaxy | World Anvil

Shinnou '親王' / Shinnouhi - '親王妃'

The other children of the Sei Taishogun who do not qualify as Migi-e Shogun or Hidari-e Shogun.
  The offsprings other than the firstborn daughter and son of the Midaidokoro are given that title. Daugthers become Shinnouhi, while sons are Shinnou.
  The title is purely for distinguishing between children of the Midaidokoro and those of other partners of the Shogun.
  Their eligibility to the Sei Taishogun title is usually only tested if the Migi-e Shogun, Hidari-e Shogun are unable to succeed.
Real-Life Equivalent
'親王' Imperial Prince ; '親王妃' Imperial Princess (Japan)
Alternative Name
Prince ; Princess
'親' parent, intimacy, relative (jpn) - '王' king, rule (jpn) ; '親' parent, intimacy, relative (jpn) - '王' king, rule (jpn) - '妃' queen, princess (jpn)
Royalty, Household
In use
Form of Address
See here
Equates to
Reports directly to