Midaidokoro '御台所' Rank/Title in Enies - Adder Galaxy | World Anvil

Midaidokoro '御台所'

Title given to the marital partner of a Sei Taishogun. If there are multiple partners, only the first one is given that title.
  It is not a hereditary title.
  Although it has never happened, it is possible for a Midaidokoro to become Shogun, according to succession laws.
  Their firstborn legitimate children are referred as Migi-e Shogun for firstborn females and Hidari-e Shogun for firstborn males. Other children are given the title Ouji or Oujou.
Real-Life Equivalent
'御台所' Midaidokoro (Japan)
'御' honorable, manipulate, govern (jpn) - '台' pedestal, a stand (jpn) - '所' place, extent (jpn)
Nobility, Household
In use
Form of Address
[first name]-sama
Reports directly to