Ouji '王子' / Oujou '王女' Rank/Title in Enies - Adder Galaxy | World Anvil

Ouji '王子' / Oujou '王女'

The other children of the Sei Taishogun who do not qualify as Migi-e Shogun, Hidari-e Shogun or Denka.
  The title is given to the offsprings of the Sei Taishogun and other partners that are not the Midaidokoro.
  Their eligibility to the Shogun title is usually only tested if the Migi-e Shogun, Hidari-e Shogun and Denka are unable to succeed.
Real-Life Equivalent
'王子' sovereign child - '王女' princess (Japan)
'王' king, rule (jpn) - '子' child (jpn) ; '王' king, rule (jpn) - '女' woman, female (jpn)
Royalty, Household
In use
Form of Address
Ouji-sama ; Oujou-sama
Reports directly to