The infamous city of Zondestad is the largest tourism city on the entire continent, dedicated to Venti, the androgynous god of pleasure and vices.
On the outside, the walls of the many houses are painted in lush, expensive colours and frescoes that would make even the noblest lord call it 'a little much'. However, the city is known to ruin lives: anyone who is down on their luck and lost all his money to addiction - both gambling and drug - will be forcefully expelled from the city, where loan sharks usually already wait for them.
Almost paradoxically, the city has seen next to no dent in its tourism and income during and after the war, but rather the opposite: it would appear that people are clinging onto any form of escapism they can get their hands on, now more than ever.
From the very beginning, most members of the clergy were heavily opposed to erecting a city dedicated to this god, yet the local ruler at the time was a devout follower of them - mainly to justify his outrageous lifestyle and expenses - permitting them to found the settlement, initially meant to be nothing more than a small village.Development
However, more of the same ilk soon moved here: corrupt nobles and merchants who could finally live out their dreams of debauchery and sin in full view of the public, and none of the priests or guards could stop them. This of course also attracted other business people who then catered to this new clientele. So within only a few decades, the small village grew into a sprawling city, teeming with gambling halls, brothels, and even drug dens, most of which were subsidized by the city itself.On the outside, the walls of the many houses are painted in lush, expensive colours and frescoes that would make even the noblest lord call it 'a little much'. However, the city is known to ruin lives: anyone who is down on their luck and lost all his money to addiction - both gambling and drug - will be forcefully expelled from the city, where loan sharks usually already wait for them.
Almost paradoxically, the city has seen next to no dent in its tourism and income during and after the war, but rather the opposite: it would appear that people are clinging onto any form of escapism they can get their hands on, now more than ever.
Large city
The City of Sins
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