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Klaas Minnar

Klaas Minnar (*644 in Zondestad) is the current Lord-Mayor of Zondestad, the so-called City of Sins. He is known far beyond the borders of Grand Vailia thanks to his well-earned Epitaph of 'the Decadent', a rather hard title to earn in such a city.

Early Life

Little is known of Minnar's early youth, only that he was born out of wedlock to a local prostitute. While this alone would be a scandal in most other cities, in Zondestad, he was merely one of many.
A story he likes telling of himself is how he was already popular with the girls when he was as young as 7 years old, claiming to have celebrated more than 200 'pretend weddings', a popular playground game among the city's youth. It was due to this charm that he claimed to have been personally invited to join the academy of bards in the city, even if the academy itself only shows records of him self-enrolling like any other student.
He studied there until the age of 16, when he started entertaining guests of various inns and taverns all across the town, carving a reputation for himself as a lively and charming performer. It was during this time that he started experimenting with his sexuality, eagerly trying everything the debauched city had to offer him: men and women, both his age and those far older than him, sometimes even in large scale orgies. Yet one thing serves as a commonality between all these adventures: he was never willing to settle down and always wanted to experience more.


His first attempt to become the Lord-Mayor of Zondestad was in 662 , when he was merely 18 years of age, the minimum requirement. While he didn't even get close to winning, it proved to be a valuable experience, letting him hone his skills until the next election 8 years later
His second bid in 670 went a lot smoother: on the one hand, the competition wasn't as fierce, and on the other hand, he had been preparing for this for years already when most of the other applicants were busy celebrating.

As the Lord-Mayor, he quickly managed to outshine those that came before him in his decadence: he started hosting lavish feasts and sponsored countless bards. A popular urban myth in Zondestad is that he has a different partner every night, and never the same race and gender twice in a row.
Despite these massive expenditures, the city's coffers are still well-filled thanks to shrewd trade and commerce policies, yet many people claim that these are thanks to someone else helping the Lord-Mayor out, as he simply isn't sober long enough to draw up the elaborate documents leaving his office.

Klaas Minnar


The Decadent
644 in Zondestad
Unknown Traveller
Unknown Prostitute
Vailian Human


Royal Bard
Time Period

Time Period

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