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Dream Leaf

The Dream Leaf is a unique plant found only on the island of Beordan. It has hallucinatory as well as calming effects when consumed, taking up an important place in Beordan culture.


The only environment in which this plant grows is the unique forest of Beordan, meaning it is impossible to plant it on the more densely populated coasts. They can often be found at the foot of large, ancient trees, yet rarely ever in large amounts: most of what a Dream Leaf Harvester has to do is actually find them first, often harvesting over a dozen batches on a single day.
They are highly sought-after by the Vailians, who have established a protectorate on Beordan and exploit its land and people. This has led to almost no Dream Leaves growing at the edges of the forest anymore, as they have all been harvested without leaving a small remnant for them to regrow. The only remaining largely available sources are further inland, making them hard to harvest for the coastliners as the traditionalist inlanders are protecting these leaves, strongly opposed to letting any of them be exported to Grand Vailia. They also believe that even their coastal dwelling brethren no longer deserve them, as they devastated their own resources and should now live with the consequences.


The relaxing effect of the Dream Leaf is traditionally mostly used for the sick and dying of the island: it helps them to divert their thoughts from the pain and dull their senses a little when a leg or arm has to be amputated. It also finds some use in calming down wild animals in order to tame them, or vicious criminals to ensure they won't attack their guards when transported to a trial.
On the other hand, the hallucinations that can be caused by it are reserved for the priesthood who believe they can see visions from the gods through them, often meditating under their influence. As such, it is almost completely unheard of in traditional Beordan to use it for recreational purposes.

The Vailians - and by extension a lot of coastal Beordans, whose culture is heavily influenced by that of Grand Vailia - love to just consume it to fill their time, entertaining themselves with the hallucinations or just using the relaxing effect to help them relax. However, such repeated use often leads to addiction, to the point where they can't relax at all if not consuming the plant.

Dream Leaf

Usable for Sustenance
Special Properties
Hallucinations, Relaxation

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