Wyrm Character in Emynea | World Anvil


Original Form: Jackal
Magic: Shape shifting and all decay magic
Master: Dalyeric
Partner: Lily Desjardins

Wyrm is one of the ten main Elemental Familiar. He proudly serves his master Dalyeric and they are quite fond of him. They both believe in the importance of their roles. Wyrm's current partner is Lily, "Mother" of the shape shifter community she founded Ilnithic and their primary leader. Wyrm works in close tandem with Lily to accomplish their goals and further the agenda of their little "family". They are both very committed to their goals often overlooking and havoc they wreak in the process.  

Divine Domains

by Lee Stepp

Able to access and influence all five of Dalyeric's Planes.


by Lee Stepp

Dalyeric's Sealing Crystal was entrusted to Wyrm by the Accian hero and only he or a synchronized host can access its location in Dalyeric's private chamber within their Seat.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

by Lee Stepp

Much like Kiba and Sequoyah, Wyrm's element affords him a more drastic and wide array of physical attributes in comparison to most others. Wyrm himself still enjoys his birth form of a jackal but he is also very partial to reptilian forms, his current favorite an anaconda. However, when he can get away with it, he enjoys taking on attributes of insects as well and this can be both breath taking and grotesque. Either way, he enjoys lithe and agile features as well.

by Lee Stepp

Special abilities

Wyrm and Torith

Able to take on the shape of any beast or animal he comes into contact with as well as freely manipulating decay magic, unless Dalyeric cuts him off. In addition to beastial forms he can also take on insect forms as well, something the rest of the elemental familiars are incapable of. 

Mental characteristics

Personal history

by Lee Stepp

Unlike Duff, Wyrm was not one of the original ten beasts chosen by the Accian hero. He is a descendant instead. Wyrm nonetheless admired Duff in his youth and even went so far as to emulate him for some time. He believes his ancestor made a grievous error taking part in the Downfall of the Erlithmanil and believes it is his calling to rectify this mistake, following in Duff's example in making a pact with the element he guarded. He fulfills his duty under Dalyeric fastidiously.

Intellectual Characteristics

by Lee Stepp

Coy, scheming, quick-witted, deceptive, clever, unsettling, grating, venomous, dramatic, proud, clingy, dependent, assumptive, peculiar.

Morality & Philosophy

by Lee Stepp

As the familiar of decay, Wyrm has a very complex, irregular and at times disturbing or disconnected morality and perspective. However, these are all also very logical and realistic given his extensive knowledge and understanding of the balance of life and death. He is very detached from loss of life, especially that of humans. He and the life forms under his sway sustain themselves on the dead and, at times, even the living. In his and his master's view, humans, beasts and plants are all but food and sustenance--all will inevitably become fodder for decay. Yet simultaneously, they find decay itself and the role it plays in the greater balance necessary and beautiful. As long as they remember moderation.

Personality Characteristics


by Lee Stepp

Alongside their master, Wyrm's goal is the revival of the Erlithmanil--especially Zalikar. They seek to revive as many of these entities as possible believing all of Emynea and the balance of nature is at stake. They understand there is a balance of life and death, the flow of souls, that only Zalikar truly understands thanks to their pact with Azryth. They also believe humans too short lived and simple to be able to manage themselves, that the entire planet will be thrown off balance and out at risk without the Erlithmanil to guide them. To this end, there is nothing Wyrm and his master won't do.


Contacts & Relations

He and Duff were once very close, Wyrm in his shadow or at his side at every step as they sought out hosts and served their masters. It is for this reason he was embittered and horribly disillusioned by Duff's "betrayal" and "abandonment of duty". He still hopes to see Duff come to his senses, greatly missing their friendship despite the seeming betrayal. However, he now seems to outperform and even surpass Duff rather than seeming his sidekick or underling. Duff still sees him as Dalyeric's stooge, unable to think for himself.

Religious Views

by Lee Stepp

Much like Dalyeric, Wyrm venerates Azryth and believes that he and his master are closest to this entity in role and purpose. They believe it is their duty to maintain the balance and flow of life and death in Azryth's interest.




Towards Dalyeric




Towards Wyrm


Current Residence
Dalyeric's Seat
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Lee Stepp
Character Portrait image: by Lee Stepp


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