Rompo Skunk Species in Emynea | World Anvil

Rompo Skunk

This species of skunk native across Alkelbulan but only this subspecies makes its home in desert habitats of Shamsi, Arabiyyah and Birit Narim. Because this creature is so rarely spotted, its become something of a local myth. All manner of descriptions portray the rompo as possessing body parts of other animals and people believing they dig up corpses! Like other mustelids, they are carnivorous and possess 34 sharp teeth designed for shearing flesh. Most of their diet consists of Qafz Jerboa, Isk or Asp Viper, birds, Agru Frog and invertebrates like al-Mawt Scorpion, often digging through the dirt or sand with clawed paws. They have small stomachs, needing to almost constantly feed. Rompo are solitary and nocturnal by nature and quite shy, hardly ever seen thanks to their use of color magic.

Racial Magic

First Ability
Second Ability

Rithaldis's Skin
Able to sweat layers of photons so intense, it superheats the surrounding gases into plasma (seemingly sweating plasma) or are able to lace their bodily fluids with ionizing radiation. For rompo, this manifestation allows them to lace ionizing radiation into their anal spray and to salivate solar plasma. Those sprayed may receive intense burns and develop radiation poisoning. The rompo is also immune to damage from radiant energy.

Rithaldis Aura
Able to generate or summon radiant energy from Rithaldis' Plane, whether this is sunlight, solar plasma or ionizing radiation. Usually, they infuse their anal spray with ionizing radiation or solar plasma. They are also immune to damage from radiant energy in their environment. Anything summoned disappears once they cease using their ability.
Ilnid's Manipulation
Able to manipulate, repel, reshape and control sand, quartz and glass present in their environment. Mostly used to unearth prey beneath the sand, dig burrows or sling about sand or glass in self defense.

Ilnid Sense
Able to sense sand, glass and quartz in their environment and feel anything interacting with these materials. This works over long distances and despite barriers. Most rompo use this to detect prey burrowed in the sand or the approach of potential threats.

Kalitho Manipulation
Able to manipulate and reshape light present in their environment. This can be used to craft intricate illusions, change the appearance of the world around them and even fool those around them by altering their visual perceptions. Mostly used to conceal themselves from prey or aggressors.

Kalitho Skin
Can emit light of various kinds from their skin, controlling what kind of light, what color and in what patterns. Can also imitate the appearance of their environment. Mostly used to conceal or camoflage themselves if not to give warning flashes before spraying. Might also initiate a bright flash before fleeing.


Original Ancestor
Striped Polecat
Ictonyx straitus

Length 24-28 in (60-70 cm)
Height 4-6 in (10-15 cm)
Weight 1-3 lbs (.6-1.3 kg)
Skull 2.2 in (56 mm)

Generally black underside with white on their tail and alternating stripes running from head to tail. Legs and feet are black. They have a face-mask which inlucdes a white spot on their head and white ears.


It only interacts with others of its kind for breeding and raising young. During the day, Rompo will burrow underneath brush or steal the burrows of other animals. Young gestate for 4 weeks before their mother gives birth, who prepares a nest for them. Newborn are totally vulnerable, born blind, deaf and furless. 1-5 are born at a time, usually in summer, but the mother can support up to six with enough food. Their mother will protect them until they can live independantly.

Despite being reclusive and shy, a rompo will quickly turn aggressive and territorial when evasion fails and their threats shouldn't be taken lightly. It marks its territory carefully using feces and anal spray, a spray which can also be used defensively like other skunks. Special stink glands release this spray which can temporarily blind foes and irritates all mucous membranes, burning intensely.
Far worse is ionizing radiation or solar plasma laced into this spray which can cause terrible burns and even radiation sickness! They will give a warning before spraying, arching their back with their rear pointed at the threat, raising their tail straight up.

While naturally solitary, rompo are surprisingly verbal. Growls are used as warning while high pitch screams indicate aggression, usually preceding spraying. Most unique is their call of submission or surrender, their voice undulating between high and low pitches, but a quieter version is used as a friendly greeting! Finally, each rompo has a special, individual call they develop for attracting a mate.


In legend, rompo are described as having the head of a hare, ears of a human, a horse's mane, a slender body, a long bushy tail, front feed of a badger and the rear legs of a bear! Many also believe they only consume corspes especially those of humans, likely spotted digging up insects and rodents. Their timidity is exaggerated as bordering on paranoia, avoiding traps, fleeing from larger animals and refusing to eat until they know they are safe. In fact, the undulating cry characteristic of a rompo has been labeled a tool for scaring away other creatures while it feeds. Poeple believe that because the rompo feeds on corpses, earning the title of man-eater. They also believe its mouth carries disease and rot thanks to this supposed diet, attributing illness to their bites rather than their spray.


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