Eairsidh in Emynea | World Anvil


Suggested Audio

Woodland Campsite

Tia watches their campfire flicker, feeling her father's concern without needing to look. They sit at their own fire, the soldiers keeping a respectful distance. Tia is far more uncomfortable with Ben's presence than anything else, grateful for her father placing himself between them as the man stands guard nearby and keeps a close eye on them. She does what she can, despite her exhaustion, to conceal her discomfort. Tia was becoming increasingly frustrated by this reflexive fear but Ben is hardly paying enough attention notice. His mind is spinning instead with this new knowledge of his father's background. Relief washes over his face as Martin approaches the encampment, quickly followed by confusion at the sight of their captives. Martin addresses a few of the soldiers and they get to work preparing to take charge of the captives, three of them grabbing a device from their belongings. Euan watches as his kin are each given a torc and instructed to don them.

Euan Uncertain

Whits wi' th' jewelry?
Euan questions readily, receiving only a wordless grumble from his uncle

We took captives?
Ben questions, his eyes rolling over Euan and the others as he approaches


Martin corrects him

We're escorting them to th' capital for assessment. 'is one…
Martin leers at Euan and sighs

This is yer cousin.

Martin Contemplative

My what?
Ben responds, earning a glare from his father.

Ben Fearful

They both size each other up awkwardly.

Don't be daft, boy.
Martin spits, quickly followed by another sigh

Martin Stahlmann

Ben recognizes his father's exhaustion then, drained from interacting with his brother. Martin pauses to consider, scratching at his balding scalp.

I'm gunna give you another chance, Ben, but you best not miff it up!
Martin gives Ben a prickly look before continuing

I'm putting uh…
He looks over to his nephew expectantly

Martin Stahlmann

Euan Neutral

He answers, eyes jumping from one man to the other and trying to wrap his head around their exchange

Martin rolls the name around with a squint

I'm putting Euan under yer watch. He's gunna be thrown into the capital real soon, same as that Minx girl, and I think it best he gets started being in better company. Luxis knows what he's used to…
Martin grumbles, leering at the other captives

Martin Stahlmann

Euan finds himself frowning at the prospect already but his expression changes once he lays eyes on Tia. Martin pauses, seeming to reconsider, but his fatigue gets the better of him.

Yer also watching over his Grace and the girl tonight.
Martin continues

Am turning in early.
Ben opens his mouth to object but quickly thinks better of it

Martin Stahlmann

Of course, sir.
Ben replies, saluting his father

Ben Neutral

Euan Smile

Ye call yer da sir?
Euan snickers but Ben refuses to acknowledge the comment

And you,
Martin grumbles, glancing significantly at Tia

Keep yer eyes to yerself!

Martin Stahlmann

Martin squints at each of them again before handing Euan's rope off to Ben. He also hands Ben one of the devices and a matching ring before leading his horse away. Ben turns to Euan then, offering him the device. Euan eyes the item with suspicion and doesn't take it.

You want out of those bindings?
Ben propositions, trying to imitate his father's tone

Ben Leer

Enchanted Torc

Euan snickers again, finding himself amused by his wholly laughable cousin, but he takes the torc. He turns it over in his hands, examining it. It looks ordinary but he can feel traces of magic woven into it, the metal almost humming to the touch. Euan glances at his kin, wearing the devices and sitting casually around the fire. With reluctance, he fits it around the base of his neck.

Euan Neutral

Is yer da always like 'is, or did I jus' piss him aff?
Euan questions, watching as Ben slides the ring onto his finger

Ben snorts at Euan's inquiry. Once the ring is secure, Euan feels the coolness of the
metal creep through his skin and sink into his bones. Euan tries to remove the jewelry but it seems melded to his skin.

Euan Mad

Whit is 'is?
Euan growls, glaring at Ben

They're enchanted.
Ben explains, his tone belittling

Ben Neutral

Euan Serious

Aye, ye gommy!
(yes, you simple idiot)
Euan mocks him and Ben produces a knife from his belt

So you can't run off
Ben continues impatiently and gestures to Euan's hands with the blade

Ben Leer

Euan Challenge

An' where am I gonnae run aff tae?
(And where am I going to run off to?)
Euan complains, offering up his hands

Clan willny take me back. An' I dinnae want t' anyway!
(Clan won't take me back and I don't want to anyway!)

You're taking this well... I think.
Ben answers, struggling with Euan's dialect, and severs the rope


Euan shrugs and rubs at his wrists

Euan Neutral

Whits fur ye'll no' go by ye
(whatever is meant to happen to you will happen to you)
Euan sighs, the aphorism rolling out of his mouth smoothly.

When he looks back up at Ben, he is met with a confused and openly judgmental expression.

Clan or not...
Ben continues, glazing over the interaction

You're going to serve the kingdom. Your form makes you more elusive than most, so, I'll warn you once.
Euan eyes him, unimpressed

The torc will activate if you use magic, any kind of magic. Or…
He pauses and takes a few steps back. As he does, Euan feels the torc begin to shrink around his neck minutely with each step

If you get too far away. Test it too much and it'll kill you.


Euan Serious

Whit a lovely gift!
Euan sasses and tugs at the torc in vain

Might as weel be yer pet.

Ben shrugs and approaches the Minx's campfire. Euan trails after him and a grin spreads on his face as he spots Tia again. Ben steps between them when he notices.

You do anything to the Duke or his daughter, I will kill you.
Ben threatens, far less effectively than his father

Ben Leer

Euan makes a show of appraising his cousin again and chuckles to himself before leaning to look past Ben to Tia. Tia tenses up and frowns at him impulsively.

Euan Smirk

Ye Am no' so worried aboot, but her?
Euan smirks and tilts his head

Damn near killed me already!

Tia blinks hearing his statement and her face reddens as he grins at her. Unsure of what to do with the unfamiliar attention, she stares hard into the fire, refusing to acknowledge him despite her embarrassment. Allen puffs up and glowers at Euan but the boy is undeterred by the whole interaction, seeming more amused than anything else.

Allen Smirk

Why is he with us?
Allen snaps, glaring at the both of them

I'm sorry, your Grace.
Ben speaks politely

The General has doubled me up tonight. I'm responsible for all three of you, I'm afraid.


Allen is clearly uncomfortable with this, with both Ben and Euan

I suppose you're not giving me a choice.
Allen spits, his discontent apparent, but his tone softens seeing the youth of the two boys before him

But I know Martin can be... difficult to please.
Ben's eyes are blank hearing this, drawn to the fire

Was he always like that?
Ben questions, his voice a wisp, and Euan snorts as he takes a seat across from Tia.

Ben Neutral

A crabbit old shite?
Euan suggests

If he's anythin' like ma da I bet he wis!
Euan's jest garners some laughter and Ben finally sits with them

Euan Smile


I knew Martin well, when we were your age.
Allen informs them, feeling nostalgic

Your father and I trained, travelled and fought alongside each other and the king, back when he was still "Prince Ambrose". We were quite the trio!

Despite the intense interest of the two boys, Tia finds herself tuning out of the conversation and beginning to doze off. Allen pauses, placing a hand on her shoulder and rousing her.

Allen Smile

Go on to bed.
Allen directs gently

Tia gives him a grateful nod and settles into her tent nearby, the mutterings of their continued conversation lulling her to sleep.

Euan catches Allen's attention again

Ye cannae drop a bomb like 'at an' stop. I want t' hear mair aboot ma uncle... uhhh, Martin? Ma da never mentioned 'im!
Allen chuckles, his eyes sliding Ben and he sees the same eagerness. Despite this, he can't shake his hesitation.

Euan Neutral

I have no right to request anything from you but...
Ben's voice is soft, uncertainty and shame painting his face

But my father won't talk about his family. I... don't have anyone else to ask.

Ben Broken

Allen isn't surprised Martin never told his son about his origins. He was always a very private, stubborn man and went through great pains to escape all traces of his past. Allen observes Ben's demure behavior and, despite his resentment for the boy, he sees just that. A boy who wants to understand his father. Allen looses a long sigh.

You boys are in luck.
Allen informs them and grins

I'm a sucker for campfire stories!

His smile is infectious, both boys' faces lighting up. Allen clears his voice before he begins his tale. As he speaks he is clearly enjoying himself, both boys listening intently.

Martin has always been a passionate man in everything he does! When he arrived at the capital this passion took the form of unwavering anger and a sharp tongue, mostly directed at his father. He was embittered by betrayal and sworn to vengeance. He was committed to becoming stronger, and he certainly did, but along the way he found a new family and purpose. He found an avenue for his passion which built into something greater: the kingdom itself! But Martin never let go of his anger or commitment to revenge. Now he is endlessly loyal to the kingdom which made him into the warrior he is today, which made him strong enough to carry his ambition through to the end!

Martin Stahlmann

Revenge for what?
Ben interjects, trying to grasp Allen's story


It isn't common knowledge
Allen's voice drops, carefully quiet so Martin wouldn't overhear

But the kingdom has an... agreement with the bandit clans of the Tenebrous Chain. Dark racial magic has always been rare. So the kingdom has made an effort to collect and preserve bloodlines with these abilities.

Euan interrupts

Almost all o' ma kin hev it!


Outside those mountains, the southern valley and a few noble families, it's almost non-existent in humans.
Allen assures him, his eyes sliding to Euan

Clans like yours are native to the Chain and dark magic runs strong in your blood. These rare forms surface more frequently when the clans are left to themselves. I'm assuming you have dark magic?

Ehhh, whit did ye lot call 'im...
Euan grumbles, unfamiliar with the kingdom's names

Zoweer's Step?

Euan Uncertain

Azowyr's Step?!
Ben gasps, Allen blinking and seeming equally surprised


Allen Surprised

Then you're a fine example.
Allen marvels

Those inheriting Azowyr's Step were believed to have been completely eradicated! Your ancestors were the easiest for the Dark King to find and eliminate, travelling through his shadow plane.

Euan's is left stupefied, his face blanking and his eyes sliding vacantly into the fire. He had heard stories of the Dark King's Vengeance  , it was an important folktale to his people who were among his victims, but learning he may be the only shadow stepper left is chilling. Euan finally understood why he had never encountered another human within Azowyr's Plane.

But I'm getting off topic.
Allen tries to redirect

To maximize the number of dark casters being born, the kingdom has made a special exception for the bandit clans. As long as they offer the best of these casters to the kingdom, the rest of them are permitted to evade service.

Evade service??
Ben repeats with distaste, finding the concept repulsive

Ben Broken

Such a thing was unprecedented to his knowledge. As Ben mulls this over, Allen can see Euan connecting dots he'd never questioned before.

Am a bribe!
Euan laughs at the realization

Never ken I wis so valuable.
Allen finds himself laughing with the spirited boy

Euan Smirk

So my father...?
Ben questions, bringing the conversation back around


Martin was the eldest son of the MacFheargus clan's chief but it was his own father who offered him up to the kingdom.
Allen answers and Euan frowns at the similarity

Though he didn't take it nearly as well as you are.
Allen raises a brow at Euan and he shrugs

Martin swore vengeance and, once he had the opportunity, he killed his father himself.

Euan gasps, sudden understanding flashing over his face

He's ma uncle Eairdsidh! I always wondered aboot 'at.

Euan Uncertain

Allen Surprised

Allen hushes him suddenly, sucking in a breath when he hears the name.

Allen watches Martin's tent for a long duration, relieved not to see the man storming out in a fit. He turns back to the boys once he's satisfied, both of them put off and confused by his reaction.

Allen Smirk

I would avoid using that name in his company.
Allen insists quietly

I've seen him shred men apart in "duels" just for uttering that to him. There's a reason those of us who know it know better than to use it!

I've... never even heard that name before...
Ben states vacantly

I never knew any of this!

Ben Neutral


Allen continues, feeling a pang of pity for the boy

Prefers to be known for his strength and his accomplishments, not for where he came from.
Sorrow wells in Ben's eyes as he meets Allen's gaze, realizing this man knew his father better than he ever could

Despite being a "crabbit old shite"
Allen's eyes switch to Euan again, the boy grinning in response

You won't find a more loyal, honorable man.

I know that.
Ben mutters, knitting his brows

But it's still haunting how much I don't know about my own family.

Ben Leer

Euan cuts in cheerfully

I can tell ye all aboot oor kin an' all 'at!

Euan Smile

Ben blinks at Euan, astonished he would make such an offer while still being held prisoner. His cousins in the capital weren't by any means kind or accommodating.

Ben answers almost sheepishly, a bit of red on his cheeks

Maybe I can... tell you about the capital?


Allen listens silently, surprised by his own enjoyment of the almost heartwarming exchange. As the boys continue chattering, Ben trying to give Euan an idea of the path ahead of him, Allen can't help but worry for how his daughter will tackle these same hurdles. He knew better than anyone the monster awaiting them. The city, the nobles, the war. All of it ready to pick each of them apart and swallow what remains.


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