Tinnt Settlement in Emicara | World Anvil


The town of Tinnt was once the cornerstone of the western economy in the Kingdom of Alsona. Supplying much of the wood and construction materials needed for the communities west of the Efcharistos River, the wealth of Tinnt was considerable, and it also gained a reputation as a peaceful place in the woods. Many Alsonan nobles owned properties in Tinnt, as it turned into a resort town for the wealthiest of Alsona to escape to. The Wingo War changed that, as the dwarves captured the town early in the conflict, and were surprised to find a sympathetic populace. The humans of Tinnt had long resented the wealthy and elite of Alsona, and pledged themselves to the victory of the dwarves over the Alsonans. Although the war was won, at a heavy cost to the people of Tinnt, they have only found themselves under the governance of the even harsher rules and culture of the dwarves, causing a rise in local resentment.


The population of Tinnt consists primarily of Alsonan humans, and a handful of other immigrants. Dwarves have also begun living in the town, mostly the wealthiest, who have been able to afford and seize the old noble estates surrounding the town. Other races represented include those who served during the Wingo War, mostly as generals or emissaries, and the upper class is rather diverse, including all sorts of mercenaries who had been rapidly elevated through the dwarven ranks during the conflict.


Tinnt remains under dwarven occupation, and is ruled directly by an emissary appointed by the King of Valtkos Wingo. Typically a familial ally, the government is absolute, as the dwarves rigidly maintain military demeanor and control over the populace. The dwarven army maintains order as rising clans have been granted charters to manage the region's infrastructure and economy. The clans are the largest employers, providing the apparatus of state, and keeping the lights on and the roads patrolled, while slowly taking over ownership of the profitable lumber mills.


Tinnt has a modest stone wall that protects the city interior, and numerous estates have their own walls or palisades, as they stand outside of town in the forest. These defenses are manned by an entire regiment of dwarves, which is well funded and equipped by Valtkos Wingo. The dwarven clans in the town are also able to provide their own militias, and the humans of Tinnt regularly train with some gusto. Grand total these militias add up to approximately five hundred additional defenders should the town ever be attacked.

Industry & Trade

The town of Tinnt is predominantly a lumber-based community, as multiple lumber mills and related industries exist. The wood of the Dytikaxylo is known to be a strong and tough wood, and is used in construction throughout the rest of the kingdom. While the wood is the primary export of the town, there are multiple resorts on the outskirts, as the town was known as a place to relax and get away from the more frantic life of the Alsonan east. Many nobles and lords from Pegrama and Parthenonas used to own estates on the outskirts of Tinnt, but these were seized by leaders of the dwarves after the Wingo War. The dwarves continue to partake in above ground luxuries here, a retreat from the politics of Valtkos Wingo itself.


Tinnt was assaulted several times by Alsonan raiders during the Wingo War, and the roads were badly torn up. However, the flow of lumber to Valtkos Wingo was deemed a priority, and an entire dwarven clan has been dedicated to keeping the roads intact and paved. Stones from the Wingo mine continue to be used to pave the streets, and they are kept well lit to help provide illumination to the humans during the night. The lumber mills are equally impressive and maintained, mostly by local private interests, but each passing year sees more and more of these vital industries fall into the hands of dwarven clans.


Travelers to Tinnt will find that there's not much to offer in the way of typical adventuring supplies and weaponry. Although the inns here have a sterling reputation, the majority of significant trade in Tinnt is local only. Despite this, the resort community that emerged before and after the war has allowed for the rise in a variety of services and mercenaries frequently being present for hire. Elite craftsmen and artisans ply their trade in exclusive shops that cater to the wealthy dwarf and human. Also present is an outpost of the River Watch, which has hoped to integrate dwarven defenses into protecting the Sypi River line against giant incursion.
Founding Date
445 AF
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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