Efimiros Settlement in Emicara | World Anvil


Efimeros is primarily a farming town, once known for its vineyards which were converted to farmland after the dwarven victory in the Wingo War. It was also once a hub for Alsonan military and trade activity, predominantly with the Sypi Confederacy. Although the old military positions have been abandoned, the dwarves have moved in, and the town has been established as an economic and military bulwark against Alsonan revanchist expansion.  Although the Citadel of St. Ulfgar is the primary fortification against assault, Efimeros remains an important strategic location for the dwarves for both food and positioning against invasion.


The majority of Efimiros consists of Alsonan humans, most of whom are still chafing underneath dwarven military rule. A sizeable amount of elves have also moved into the town, along with a small minority of dwarves. For the most part however, the town seems to be likely to continue to be majority human, serving as the labor for the dwarven clans that have begun operations in the surrounding area or manning the farmsteads in the countryside.


Efimeros is directly ruled by a Surface Lord appointed by the King of Valtkos Wingo. Through dwarven clans established in the town, they administer the affairs of the town and provide jurisprudence and law for those who need it. The clans enact policy and maintain all of the functions of life in Efimeros, often employing a large number of human contractors to help enforce their legislation. The military affairs are similarly handled by the Surface Lord, who maintains a force loyal to the king to defend and manage the town.


The town's primary defense is an entire dwarven regiment permanently stationed here to serve the Surface Lord and keep the peace. The clans also have begun organizing militias among the humans, providing an additional eight hundred possible warriors should the town be attacked. The wall that has grown up around the town is relatively new, replacing the decrepit palisade that had been used by the former human owners. Built to dwarven specifications, the wall defenses of Efimiros possess numerous bunkers and strongpoints, making it a surprisingly effective barricade to assault, for the short amount of time it has existed.

Industry & Trade

The majority of trade valued in Efimiros is the town's agriculture, being the only hub and food source for the people of Valtkos Wingo during the height of the conflict. The vineyards of the town were converted to subsistence farming during the war, as the threat of starvation was very real under Alsonan blockade, particularly with the Sypi Civil War preventing trade from the south. Today that trend has continued, although the situation is somewhat less dire. The foodstuffs of Efimiros are sold to Valtkos Wingo, to help the swelling population of the city from becoming too overwhelmed.


Efimiros has some paved roads, but the majority remain packed down dirt. The crowning achievement of dwarven rule was the conversion of the old Alsonan military and trading depots into cheap housing for the homeless and those employed by the dwarven clans that quickly moved into the economic vacuum left by the flight of the Alsonan aristocracy. The roads are kept well lit by braziers that are maintained by a local dwarven clan, which provides a distinctive dwarven flair to the community. Sanitation remains primitive, although in recent years the dwarves have begun surveying for the creation of a proper sewage system.


Efimiros offers much to aspiring adventurers, as dwarven and elven craftsmen produce weapons and armor with the skills known to their races. For the most part these materials of war are sold immediately to the military or local dwarven clans, but plenty of surplus are often available for those who seek to make their fortune with a mercenary blade. The markets are similarly thriving with local produce and materials, as lumber operations have been expanded, along with farming of various grains and fruits to help the growth of Valtkos Wingo itself. Multiple inns are available, catering to a variety of races and cultures.
Founding Date
710 AF
Large town
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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