Polyxeni Milou Character in Emicara | World Anvil

Polyxeni Milou

Mayor Polyxeni Milou

Polyxeni Milou was born to a family of bards and musicians, trained at the University of Pegrama, and highly educated. Although they were not particularly famous, they were successful enough that they were able to pay for a similar education for Polyxeni, who seemed to be one of the most promising of their lineage. As she was in studies, however, a crisis occurred, as he disappeared mysteriously into the woods of The Dytikaxylo. When she returned, she was sullen and uncooperative, and it seemed that every attempt to play a musical instrument fell flat, as she was incapable of holding even the most basic of rhythms.   Never was a soul told about what happened, as Polyxeni had run afoul of a fey creature that had been lurking in the wilds ever since the Feywild's destruction. She had gambled that she could perform better than this creature, and in the process, she lost her musical talent, forever. Bitter and battered, she returned to her education, but switched course, instead focusing upon economics and the study of wealth. Aware that she would never find herself on the stage, she instead sought to achieve a level of wealth that would perhaps enable her to buy back her lost talent. To her credit, she was successful, finding employ as an independent accountant, helping manage her family's finances, as they remained supportive of her change in career. In this comfortable lifestyle, she built a new family, marrying a local laborer and having several children.   When she was in her late forties, Polyxeni was able to obtain a prestigious accounting position with the Crysos Mining Company. The company recognized a growing talent for mathematics and organization, and hoped to harness this to improve their efficiency and operations. She was employed with the company from its very beginnings, and rose quickly through its rank, achieving a greater wealth than her forebears could have ever dreamed of. She began analyzing the corporate operations, and was one of very few who foresaw the outbreak of the Wingo Rebellion and War. She risked her career warning the company of the impending consequences of their actions, but was ignored.    Vindicated by the war and its devastation, Polyxeni was placed in charge of operations in the town of Peristeri, which was being groomed to become a replacement for the lost wealth of Wingo Mine. She organized the effort to create a new class of landowners of the employees of the company, rewarding the best employees with their own land and territory to be worked by them. This created a new loyalty from the working class and helped Crysos obtain the votes they needed to seize power in Peristeri. As a reward for her service, Polyxeni was allowed to retire, and was selected as the new mayor of Peristeri.    As mayor, she has allowed Crysos to have a free hand in all of the affairs of the town Polyxeni now serves. She has welcomed Crysos into positions of land and crime management, employing their house mercenaries as the new town guard. Loyal to the corporation thanks to her newfound wealth and prestige, Polyxeni has begun being known for hiring adventurers and rangers to seek out fey creatures in the wild, in the private hopes that perhaps she may now be able to afford to reclaim her lost life that could have been.
Date of Birth
Ashfall 24, 961
Year of Birth
961 AF 80 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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