The Elemental Pantheon Myth in Emaxus | World Anvil
Emaxus is currently undergoing a large entry into a new Age (and a large revision of the current Age). Consider this an active construction zone: things are moving around, getting changed, and the world's being reorganized. Apologies for the inconvenience!
- Brian

The Elemental Pantheon

Consisting of the Titans, their Primordial children, and the myriad ancient beasts and nature spirits worshipped as "Wild Gods," the Elemental Pantheon consists of all the powerful, natural entities who wield god-like power and are, in many cases, worshipped as gods, but do not have true Divinity. Most members of the Elemental Pantheon are not as multiversally known as the real Pantheon, but many have powerful, centralized followings near their homes---the Elemental Planes, in the case of the Titans and Primordials, and sites of abundant life energy, in the case of the Wild Gods.   Most members of the Elemental Pantheon are neutral towards or actively against the Pantheon of Emaxus, be it the Ten or the Five. The exact dispositions of each entity---and/or the common mentalities of their followers/creations---are denoted within their articles.  

The Titans

The Titans were beings who were so inexplicably connected to reality that, while they did not possess Divinity---save for Alindr and Laianath---they had power which rivaled the gods. Like the gods, the Titans are all dead. Much of Yophas was forged from their corpses. And, like the gods, the Titans still exert great influence over the Eternal Design, albeit more localized to their native planes. Their children, the elementals and Primordials, often work in the name of the Titans---or at least claim to.  

All for One

It is believed that each Titan sought a total domination of reality by their element or aspect. Many of their Primordial children are certainly evident of that desire.   It is unknown if the Titans Who Became Gods still sought that after Divinity, or if it was that disconnect from their siblings that led them to "betray" their Titanic brethren.

Alindr, Titan of Order

Alindr is the march of progress towards a finite point of perfect order. They seek the refining and ordering of all reality, in all ways: ore to metal, energy to magic, celestial bodies to celestial systems. Because of their godhood, Alindr does not believe in the eradication of life towards an unchanging stagnation, but they will sacrifice millions in their game of cosmic chess, even if it serves an unknown victory hundreds of years down the line.   Everything is numbers to Alindr---statistics and probabilities. The weight of a life is the sum of its potential and past actions to Alindr. Some deluded archmages, insane cultists, and psychopaths try to think with this rationale, believing they hear Alindr's voice or that they possess Alindr's impossibly vast perspective. They are fools, one and all. The only completely true actors of Alindr's will are the Sage of Order and Alindr's direct creations, like the Paragonicus Perfectus. Everyone else is flawed in some way, even if they don't know it.   Alindr is covered in greater detail in their main article.  

Ankhisteia, Titan of Flame

Ankhisteia is the fire that consumes a village and the fire that warms a child in the dead of winter. Ankhisteia is change and wrath and heat in all its forms. The only constant Ankhisteia desires is change and consumption. They seek the march of flame across reality to wipe away that which controls it now, without much care for what rises after.
Ankhisteia, Titan of Flame
Myth | Mar 2, 2024

Asūlon, Titan of Water

Asūlon, Titan of Water
Myth | Nov 16, 2023

Emaxus, Titan of Balance

It is unknown if Emaxus is a real Titan, or merely an entity conjured up by druids and shamans to explain the abundance of spiritual energy and the balance of elements and idealogies on Emaxus. In fact, the claim that Emaxus is a Titan of Balance and not a land wrought by the gods' hands to be perfect and balanced is considered heretical by many devotees of the Ten.
Emaxus, Titan of Balance
Myth | Nov 16, 2023

Hermax, Titan of Earth

Hermax, Titan of Earth
Myth | Nov 16, 2023

Ix'kythael, Titan of Life

Ix'kythael is life unbridled. She seeks the spread of life across all of reality---every plane choked under a mass of plants, flesh, and writhing mass. In spite of her godhood, Ix'kythael desires the spread and evolution of life without end. She believes death is a curse and life must be fought for. She hates Laianath and hates order in life; she wants "her children" (all living things) to evolve forever, growing ever-stronger and fighting ever-harder for their own lives.   Ix'kythael cares for death only insofar as proof that weaker life is being culled. She knows that life must be challenged to evolve, and those challenges will cause death---but she knows that life will one day grow strong enough to conquer death, time, and the end of all things.   Many are the cults who worship life and nature---few are those who know Ix'kythael is the Titan of Life. This fact is kept hidden by those worshippers of the Ten who are aware; the implications of the Titan of Life being an Obsidian Lord would be very bad.   Ix'kythael is detailed in greater depth in her main article.

Laianath, Titan of Death

Laianath is the endless winter waiting all life. She seeks the peace brought in death, the quiet brought by winter, and the stillness brought at the end of time. Because she is a god, she does not desire the extermination of all life; however, she believes death is a gift and life is a curse. This is why she is so protective of her souls---she believes she is doing them a favor, keeping them in Laithna.   Laianath cares only for the protection of life insofar as things die naturally. She cares not for natural disasters or cataclysms, but a lich bringing untold death---and undeath---like Krathum is something she will not stand. She is the peace guaranteed a soul after a life lived, and she will not give away that peace easily.   Death cults who follow Laianath obsess over the belief of peace after life, and believe killing someone is to deliver them unto that peace early. Death elementals are mythical and extraordinarily rare to the point where many do not know/believe they exist. If they do, no one lives to tell their tales.   Laianath is covered in greater detail in her main article.

Marzak, Titan of Chaos

Marzak is wrath made manifest. He sought to reduce all of reality to its consituent chaos; first, he desired the annihilation of all life save his Children through endless war, after which he would undo the laws binding reality to Alindr's Eternal Design. In the wake of his death, many still work to enact his goals, to the detriment of all other life.   As a god, Marzak is worshipped by berserkers, blood cults, and warbands who dedicate their slaughter and vengeance in Marzak's name. As a Titan, all demons are Marzak's children and strive to achieve the destruction he craves, and some mortals worship him as Chaos, in all its forms.   Marzak is covered in greater detail in his main article.

Thambos, Titan of Air

Thambos, Titan of Air
Myth | Nov 16, 2023

The Primordials

The Primordials are the demigod-like children of the Titans. There is one Primordial beneath each Titan. Their temperament towards their Titanic parent varies greatly. Some, like Akkinara, carry forth their Titan's will of elemental supremacy and devastation. These Primordials hate the gods greatly after Yamma slew---or "corrupted," in the case of Laianath and Alindr---all of the Titans.   Other Primordials are separated greatly from their parent's elemental crusade. These Primordials might be in hiding, content to hibernate and wait for a new age, or actively work against the many elementals and elemental cults who work to bring about the Titans' designs---or who cause chaos under that guise.   Others still are dead or missing, like the Primordials of Life, Death, and Order. They still have cult followings across Yophas, but they have not been sighted in centuries.

One of Many

The Primordials are the greatest manifestations of elemental power besides the Titans themselves, but there are many powerful children of the elements. They are not chronicled here, but think tarrasques, elemental princes, or even dragons with titanic empowerment. Anything could work, really, if it has a great deal of personal power amplified by some elemental connection.

Alir, the Inexorable Order

Child of Alindr.

Akkinara, the Flameborn Princess

Child of Ankhisteia.

Asolino, the Leviathan of Atithis

Child of Asūlon.

Heranix, the Reforger

Child of Hermax.

Lialim, the Nightborn Whisper

Child of Laianath. Worshipped by death cults.

Mazerkal, Endless Rage

Child of Marzak. Link to main article about Demon Lords.

Thalothana, the Storm of Thambos

Thambos' child.

Wild Gods

Articles under The Elemental Pantheon


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