Emaxus is currently undergoing a large entry into a new Age (and a large revision of the current Age). Consider this an active construction zone: things are moving around, getting changed, and the world's being reorganized. Apologies for the inconvenience!
- Brian


Credits to Tooth Wu from Artstation for the horrifying cover art!
In the battles of the Reckoning, there was a Camaerithian champion of such strength and renown that he was feared by even his allies. His ruthlessness and skill in battle was unrivalled, and he sought victory above all else. But, in his desperation to grow stronger and protect his people, he flew too close to the sun. He willingly subjected himself to an ancient strain of vampirism, and he and his blade were corrupted forever.  

The Legend

Before his fall, Ellas Elendiir was one the greatest Ilquitheas (generals) in Camaerithian history. He led the forces of the great elven empire in the battles of the Reckoning, and for a great many years he successfully defended his homelands from the devastation befalling Emaxus. His blade garnered the title Requiem, for it was had taken so many lives in the brutally efficient hands of its wielder. But as the god-wars reached their fever pitch, the unparalleled warrior knew he would need even greater power. So, Ellas Elendiir willingly subjected himself to an ancient strain of vampirism, becoming a warrior of supernatural prowess. Paired with his unparalleled martial skills and tactical knowledge, Ellas should've easily secured the survival of his people.   But his hubris was his doom. His people were horrified with what he had done, and he was banished. But he had been corrupted, and if his blade was not already infected with his evil then it would be soon after. When the Camaerithians confronted Ellas, he slaughtered them. Only after the blood of a thousand of his former compatriots was spilt was he banished, and Ellas passed from Camaerithian knowledge as the near entirety of their empire collapsed. All but Camaerith itself fell in the Reckoning, and those few survivors struck Ellas's name from the history books. And so, Ellas became known as the Forgotten One, and he and Requiem passed from Emaxian history. But Ellas' fate is unknown, and whether he is dead or alive, Requiem is still out somewhere in the planes, corrupted but incredibly powerful.  

The Remnant

longsword, legendary, requires attunement   Sharing a fraction of its original owner's power (and, some say, his evil intent), Requiem has been corrupted by vampirism and blood magic. This brutal blade seemed to be crafted of bone-like steel. It possesses a dark hand-and-a-half hilt, with a spiked pommel inlaid with a blood gem. The blade begins at a wide crossguard followed by a metal spiked bar, which is similarly capped by a smaller ridge of metal, akin to a zweihander. The blade then continues to a sharp point, with edges that can slice through armor and flesh with ease.  
Designer's Note
Requiem can be a sentient blade, if you desire. Personally, I like the idea of less of a true sentient weapon and more this vile, ancient hunger. Sentient weapons are often resolute and unchanging, short of banishing the sentience from the weapon. I prefer the idea that this blade could be redeemed in the right hands, and that evil hunger could be tamed.


After a long period of disuse, Requiem slumbers. The blade grows tarnished and loses its bone-like appearance, and the leather seems frayed; however, the blade retains its haunting silhouette, taunting new users with echoes of its ancient, terrible power.
  • The wielder gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls for attacks made with this weapon.
  • Reap Like Corn. Attacks made with Requiem deal an additional 1d6 necrotic damage.
  • Danse Macabre. Once per long rest, the wielder can invoke the danse macabre as a bonus action. The wielder gains the following benefits for 1 minute: they recover half of all necrotic damage they deal, and they have advantage on all Dexterity checks and saving throws.


In the right hands, and once Requiem has feasted on a sufficient amount of life energy, it reveals its true form. It loses all tarnishes upon its blade and looks once more like it did during the Reckoning: a horrid blade of spiked bone-metal and necrotic terror.
  • The wielder gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls for attacks made with this weapon.
  • Reap Like Corn. Attacks made with Requiem deal an additional 1d8 necrotic damage.
  • Danse Macabre. Once per long rest, the wielder can invoke the danse macabre as a bonus action. The wielder gains the following benefits for 1 minute: they recover half of all necrotic damage they deal, and they have advantage on all Dexterity checks and saving throws.
  • Bulwark of Blood. Once per long rest, the wielder can invoke the bulwark of blood as a reaction to any damaging effect (attack, spell, etc.). Until the start of their next turn, the wielder has resistance to all damage except psychic damage. Additionally, the wielder can use an action during their next turn to force a creature they can see within 30 feet to make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they take an amount of necrotic damage equal to the damage (before resistance) they took during bulwark of blood to a creature they can see within 30 feet, or half as much on a success.


Once Requiem has drunk upon countless souls and has truly bonded with its wielder, it unleashes the full, terrible power it wielded on the night of Ellas' fall. Black and red mist and drops of blood wreath the horrifying blade's visage during battle.
  • The wielder gains a +3 to attack and damage rolls for attacks made with this weapon.
  • Reap Like Corn. Attacks made with Requiem deal an additional 1d10 necrotic damage.
  • Danse Macabre. Once per long rest, the wielder can invoke the danse macabre as a bonus action. The wielder gains the following benefits for 1 minute: they recover half of all necrotic damage they deal, and they have advantage on all Dexterity checks and saving throws.
  • Bulwark of Blood. Once per long rest, the wielder can invoke the bulwark of blood as a reaction to any damaging effect (attack, spell, etc.). Until the start of their next turn, the wielder has resistance to all damage except psychic damage. Additionally, the wielder can use an action during their next turn to force a creature they can see within 30 feet to make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they take an amount of necrotic damage equal to the damage (before resistance) they took during bulwark of blood to a creature they can see within 30 feet, halved on a success.
  • Tithe of Blood. Once per short rest, the wielder can claim a tithe of blood. Every creature of their choice within 60 feet must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 3d10 necrotic damage and has disadvantage on all Dexterity and Strength saving throws for 1 minute. The wielder then gains advantage on attack rolls against all affected creatures for 1 minute.
Item type
Weapon, Melee


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