Fara Swele Tradition / Ritual in Emaxus | World Anvil
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- Brian

Fara Swele (Far-uh Sway-lay)

Fara Swele (Illusion of the Soul, in Common) is a potent hallucinogenic potion used during the Camaerithian Coming of Age ceremony.


The Fara Swele's recipe predates the Reckoning. When elves first discovered that they are reincarnated and have past lives countless millennia ago, they devised an herbal concoction that could force an elf to face the greatest fears and trials of their past lives. Thus, the Fara Swele (or at least its earliest incarnation) was born. Once, it was likely widespread and used in all elven communities. Now, only Camaerith remembers the elder rituals; they use the Fara Swele for the Tyaltasama (Test of Mind) portion of their coming of age ceremony.


Once Fara Swele is imbibed through eating the food it has been added to, it immediately sets to work conjuring potent hallucinations in the mind. It puts the imbiber into a trance-like state where they experience potent visions of their deepest fears.   Some of these fears are from memories the elf has, which they then reexperience, and others are from memories of their past lives, imprinted in their soul as fear. They experience these as well, getting a glimpse into the trials and tribulations that defined their past selves. They conquer these fears and learn from them, and thus complete the Tylatasama.

Components and tools

Fara Swele is brewed from a mix of sacred water from the Mother of Peace's Shrine, ixionder (a rare herb cultivated only in Camaerith), and ustri kernel (the deseeded core of ustri cones). They are then magically heated for a full day, kept a rolling boil in their tincture for the entire time. The product is an acrid-smelling, dark brown-green liquid, which is then distilled and strained into the ritual bowl Fara Swele is poured from.   From that bowl, the completed Fara Swele is poured over the favorite food of the elf undergoing the ritual, and imbibed through the food.
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Jul 11, 2022 20:18

I'm wiggin out man