Rivvikkan Empire Organization in Elysiar | World Anvil

Rivvikkan Empire


The Rivvikkan Empire is an absolute monarchy ruled by the Emperor. Prior to the rise of Anastasia Kyros to the throne, a council of the five most powerful Princes and four most powerful Archbishops formed the Electoral College and elected the Emperor from the princes among their number. The Electoral College has since been disbanded and primogeniture has been enacted to determine the new Emperor, however the former members now make up the Imperial Council, to advise the Emperor and serve as a regency council, should the need arise.

Emperor's Small Council

In addition to the Imperial Council, the Emperor also maintains a council of seven advisors who aids the Emperor in the day-to-day burden of ruling the Empire. The council is comprised of the Consort, a Court Chaplain, a Magister, a Chancellor, a Steward, a Marshal, and a Spymaster.

The role of the Consort is mostly ceremonial, they act as a figurehead for a lot of internal projects that aid to improve the day to day lives of the citizens of the Empire. The seat of the Consort is presently empty, as Empress Anastasia is unmarried.

The role of the Court Chaplain is to advise the Emperor on all matters of faith and religion. They are in charge of maintaining religious relations between the dominant faiths of the Empire. Additionally, they are empowered to organize a faith militant to route out any cults that may arise.

The role of the Magister is to advise the Emperor on all matters of magic. They are in charge of keeping overseeing the trade of magical objects in shops around the Empire and enforcing any restrictions on magic that is deemed necessary by both the Emperor and the Aes Sedai. The role of the Magister appears on every court on the continent, the position is almost always held by a member of the Aes Sedai, and, as such, their first bond of loyalty is to the Aes Sedai and their Ajah. Because of this, they are not granted a lot of power and serve primarily in an advisory role, however that is not the case in the Rivvikkan Empire due to the Empire's lip service to the Aes Sedai.

The role of the Chancellor is that of the chief diplomatic officer of the Empire. They are in charge of all of the diplomatic relations of the Empire, both foreign and domestic. The Chancellor is empowered to act in the Emperor's stead in any and all negotiations with foreign leaders and keep the various lords of the empire in line.

The role of the Steward is to handle the finances of the Empire. The Steward is empowered to levy taxes and tolls, create and maintain a budget, maintain and improve infrastructure, and fund and oversee public works projects. The Steward also serves as a cultural minister.

The role of the Marshal is that of Supreme Commander of all Imperial Forces. The Marshal is empowered to organize regiments, train and promote officers, hire mercenaries, and oversee law enforcement organizations.

The role of the Spymaster is to handle all matters concerning espionage and counterintelligence. The Spymaster is empowered to recruit, train, and deploy spies and clandestine operatives to carry out the Emperor's vision.

Demography and Population

A good portion of the citizen's of the Empire live in the nine major cities of the Empire: Algafa, Brasten, Calles, Fellburg, Herges, Molenburg, Rivvik, Rotterburg, and Vólkerstadt. Though most live spread throughout towns and villages of varying sizes and among the sprawling farms that dot the central Empire.


The Rivvikan Empire maintains a professional military comprised of very well-trained soldiers. The empire favors broadswords amongst most of its infantry and cavalry, though they train two-handed swordsmen as a heavy infantry unit and halberdiers as a standard polearms unit. In ranged, the crossbow is vastly favored throughout most of the Empire, though the arquebus is seeing increasing use in the southern Empire as well as flintlock pistols among cavalry and sailors. Additionally, given the vast expanses of the Empire, and the former provincial nature of the region, each of the major city has its own standing military, each with unique soldiers that reflect the culture of the province, exploit a natural resource, or are trained to counteract a neighboring states military.

The Empire dominates the battlefield on all fronts, and uses its diversity as its strength. The Griffon Knights command the skies of any battlefield on which they are present. The Shadowdancers of Molenburg harass the Empire's foes from the shadows. Templars of Alene and Selena and the Swordlords of Rivvik, as well as the Hellknights of the Pyre, comprise the vanguard of their forces, while demigriffon riders and the Gavel Knights of Alene make up the bulk of the Empire's heavy cavalry. From afar, Imperial forces wield both arcane and divine magics alongside arbalests and an ever increasing amount of arquebuses that stand behind an immovable wall of templars of Khaldir.

Imperial soldiers are easily recognized from their darkly-tinted heavy armor and sallet helms.

Technological Level

The Empire is one of the most advanced nations on the continent. Gunpowder and rudimentary explosives are becoming more and more commonplace with every passing year, and advanced mechanical contraptions such as the printing press can been found in most major cities.

In the shipyards of Molenburg and Rivvik, fast caravels and powerful carracks are constructed to aid the naval dominance of the Empire, and while ballistae and other torsion-powered artillary remain commonplace as armaments, newer ships are being constructed with cannons in mind.

Advances in construction and instrustrial techniques have been largely aided by the invention of more complex tools such as the screwdriver.


The most prominent churches active in the Empire are the Churches of Alene, Elys, Khaldir, Gaia, and Selena, in fact, four of the cities of the Empire are ruled by one of these Churches, only Madea's Church does not, though Madea is the second most widely worshipped deity in the Empire, second only to Elys.

Temples to other deities exist throughout the Empire, in fact, there would be at least one small shrine to all the good deities as well as shrines to Clydon and Eventa in any of the major cities.  Many of the tyrannical or unsavory, but not outright villainous, deities exist scattered throughout the Empire.  Rivvik has a temple dedicated to Rhuxaros, Rotterburg has one dedicated to Breana, and shrines to Devona are scattered throughout the Empire.

Algafa also hosts one temple to the Nightmother.  Worship of Asmodeus, Ixtarr, Lamashtu, Nythis, and Zolena are outlawed.  Worship of Surtr is considered taboo, but is not outright illegal because appeasing him lets people think they can mitigate disasters.

Foreign Relations

Due to its location, most of the surrounding nations keep, at least, amicable relations with the Algafan Empire in order to facilitate land trade across the continent. The Empire has military alliances with Obrya and Dunland and maintains a defensive pact with the Dwarven Confederation. Additionally, it considers Kalfa and Siln Allanar to be reliable friends of the Empire.

Northron raiders from Hitardalr and Bjarnardalr occasionally pillage coastal villages along The North Sea, though an increased naval presence in the region has reduced the number of raids that reach the coast. Additionally, the lands around Rotterburg in the southeastern Empire are often raided by Penkurthian bandits, but they are no more than a nuisance for the local soldiery.

The only openly hostile states to the Empire are Vechon, who is actively under embargo by the Empire for their tolerance of slavery, and the Kyraseian Empire who were just defeated in a war by Imperial forces.

Agriculture & Industry

The vast domain of the Empire gives rise to varying climates allowing for a diversity of agricultural products and timbers.  The central Empire around Algafa and Fellburg is relatively flat and wet, and experiences a full year's climate.  This region is perfect for growing grapes, hops, and wheat as well as the rearing of cattle.  Most of the grain and cheese that feeds Imperial citizens is grown here as well as some of the finest wines, ales, and cheeses on the continent.

The villages along the North Sea in northern Fellburg, Molenburg, and Vólkerstadt thrive on fishing.  Molenburg itself has an enormous fishing industry.  Huge shiploads of cod and pike are brought in daily, while much of it is served fresh locally, much of the rest of it gets salt-cured and shipped throughout the landlocked parts of the Empire.

The forests of Vólkerstadt and Herges along the Spine of the World provide both excellent timber and hunting grounds for all manner of game.  Lumbermills are the center point of most of the towns and villages surrounding, and within, those forests.

Both the Spine of the World and Eline Mountains offer excellent prospects for both mines and quarries, though much of Imperial made ironmongery originates from ores mined by the shield dwarves of the Spine of the World.  While most metals comes from the Spine of the World, the Eline Mountains hold no shortage of coal, nitrate, and silver.

Trade & Transport

The central location of the Empire allows for it to be a center for trade from all across the continent. Sea trade flows into the Empire through the great ports of Molenburg and Rivvik while well-patrolled highways lead from every city in the Empire to the central city of Algafa.


Everyone in the Empire knows how to read and write, from the lowliest peasant to the Empress herself. Most peasants are not taught beyond that, however people of the artisan and merchant classes learn economics and the basics of world affairs and history. The gentry and nobility are expected to be learned and have more complex understandings of geopolitics and history. These lessons are taught by either their parents or private tutors

Those seeking to get a better understanding of the world than that attend the Rivvikkan Academy, in which they can learn science, engineering, and philosophy, or the Imperial Military Academy, where they are taught to be officers in the Empire's professional army.

Geopolitical, Empire
Imperial, Rivvikkan
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Circular coins, approximately one inch in diameter:
  • Copper Fangs
  • Silver Talons
  • Gold Griffons
  • Platinum Dragons
Major Exports
Ale, cheese, grain, livestock, wine, and finished goods such as: arms and armor, clothing, furniture, leather goods, pottery, and refined metals.
Major Imports
Ores and luxury resources such as incense, jade, and silk.
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ethnicities


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