Imperial Ethnicity in Elysiar | World Anvil


Imperial is the name given to humans who lived in the Heartlands. They are also known as Heartlanders.

Table: Random Height and Weight
Gender Base
Height Modifier Base
Weight Modifier
Male 5 ft. 0 in. +3d6 in. 120 lbs. ×(2d4) lbs.
Female 4 ft. 9 in. +2d10 in. 85 lbs. ×(2d4) lbs.

Naming Traditions

Other names

Any Germanic or Italian name will fit an imperial character.
Archbishop Helmut von Magnus, an imperial warrior-priest
Race Human
Demonym Imperial
Regions The Heartlands
Languages Common, Rivvikkan Vulgar


Skin color(s) Tawny to Fair
Hair color(s) Blonde to black
Eye color(s) Green, brown
Typical build Tall and thin


Average Height 5'2" ‒ 6'6" (1.5 ‒ 2 m)
Average Weight 124 ‒ 280 lbs (56 ‒ 127 kg)


Average Height 4'9" ‒ 6'1" (1.4 ‒ 1.9 m)
Average Weight 89 ‒ 245 lbs (40 ‒ 111 kg)

Related Information

Diverged ethnicities
Encompassed species


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