The Way of the Forge Organization in Legends of Elohey | World Anvil

The Way of the Forge

Augustin the Forgemaker advocates exploration, learning, excellence in craftsmanship. His teachings direct a follower to not judge others rashly or harshly but grant them their fair moment to present evidence to their actions.   In matters of combat and battle, Augustin advocates courage in the face of battle and encouragement to bring subjugated peoples to the Forgelight of Augustin so that they find their own way alongside the dwarves. Slavery or anything of the sort is not tolerated in Augustin’s teachings. The closest is that those captured in time of war serve a short period of indentured servitude for three years. At the end of that time, the servant may elect to become a full citizen of the Republic or return to their own people. Likewise the captor is expected to treat the servant with respect, failure to do so will cause the captor to serve as the indentured servant as penance.   Priests of Augustin are often blacksmiths and are found at home in guilds and craft halls as much as senatorial chambers.   Augustin’s temples can most easily be found in the Geldar Republic, but have been known to be built as far south as Copan Shire and farther.   Domains: Healing, Protection, War, Fire Typical Followers: some Humans, Dwarves   Favored weapons: Warhammer
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Cover image: by CB Ash


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